Page 36 - Intra Muros April 2024
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        motivate your child to develop insight into   freaked out by this and can’t stay calm.   Some  examples  of  lighthouse  parenting
        how  problems  or  life  circumstances  may   How the hoot am I supposed to navigate   include:
        or  may  not  play  out.  They  put  you  back   through  it?”.  There  needs  to  be  a  shift   •  allow children to make their own
        in control and teach your child how to   towards  healthier  pacing  when  life   decisions and trust they will make good
        problem-solve,  giving  your  child  the  skills   throws us situations we aren’t in charge   choices.
        needed to be a successful adult.      of.                                 •  are an example of kind, respectful, and
                                                                                   thoughtful  people  for  their  children  to
        •  Air-fryer  parenting  backfires  because   The  shift  needs  to  happen  to  be  a   model their behaviour after.
          there  are  no  mediating  role  players:   lighthouse  parent—helicopters  control,   •  comfort their child  when  they turn  to
          Understandably,  parents  today  fear  they   air-fryers  burn,  while  lighthouses  guide.   parents after experiencing challenges.
          won’t be able to control their children. The   Helicopters fly around, air-fryers demand,   •  set clear rules for their child to protect
          media, the online world, and their children’s   while  lighthouses  stay  firm,  stable,  and   them, and trust that they will follow and
          peers are just too great an influence. Many   consistent. And possibly most importantly,   respect the boundaries.
          parents fall into the trap of using intensity   helicopters shoot down potential threats,   •  foster a robust support system for their
          and  control  to  offset  the  power  of  these   air-fryers  come  in  blowing  intense  all-or-  child,  equipping  them  with  the  tools
          outside  influences.  Unfortunately,  their   nothing  approach  force  to  keep  control,   they  need  to  grow  and  become  more
          reactive  nature  of  intensity  is  a  shortcut   and lighthouses illuminate the path.   independent.
          that doesn’t work in the long term. Parents
          need to be able to teach their children how   AIR-FRYER PARENTS:        Benefits of lighthouse parenting
          to deal with these powerful influences on   •  Either switched off or blasting with   Some  benefits  of  this  approach  include
          their own. One of the problems with this   intense heat.                better problem-solving and active problem-
                                              •  Highly reactive parents.
          type  of  parenting  is  that  when  the  child                         coping,  increased  independence  rates,  a
                                              •  Propels their child forward, then
          leaves the home, they don’t know how to                                 solid  parent-child  bond  surrounding  trust
                                                abandons them to ‘cope’ alone.
          behave independently. Then, they get into                               and  support,  decreased  engagement  in
          the kind of trouble that the parents were   [ Leads to oppositional behaviour,   risky  behaviour,  more  excellent  academic
          afraid  of  in  the  first  place.  Compliance  is   anxiety, family system constantly   success   rates,   emotional   security,
          achieved  through  fear  of  retribution,  not   being on edge.         resilience,  self-reliance,  and  self-esteem
          through consequences that allow the child                               development.  It  is  achieved  through  the
          to learn from their mistakes.                                           following:
                                             THE “LIGHTHOUSE PARENT”
        •  Moderating emotional regulation builds   According  to  an  article  by  Dr  Kenneth   •  Support  your child: Lighthouse’s  guide
          self-efficacy: I realise that many parents   Ginsburg,  lighthouse  parenting  is  when   and  provide  a  stable  grounding  point.
          don’t intend to parent like this. Some of   a  parent  creates  a  balance  between  love   Practically,  this  is  done  by  encouraging
          us lose our cool and react to the situation   and setting limits for a child to ensure that   your  child  to  try  new  activities  that
          by  yelling.  But  yelling  doesn’t  work.   a  child  is  nurtured  and  safe  and  respects   interest  them,  even  if  they  are  scared.
          If  it  did,  we  would  all  have  compliant   parents as important figures in their lives.   Allow your child to choose their friend
          children.  Parents  often  react  to  their   Parents should  act as a lighthouse  while   group and encourage them to socialise.
          children  without  thinking  because  they   raising  their  children,  including  being  a   Comfort your child when they fail a test,
          believe  they  need  to  get  their  children   guiding light/example for their child to turn   lose a game, or face another difficulty.
          to  understand  the  situation  or  change   to, providing a sense of safety in times of
          their   behaviour   immediately.   This   trouble, and informing their child of danger,   •  Develop  trust:  Lighthouse  parenting
          desperation allows your child’s behaviour   but allowing them to navigate the challenge   revolves  around  balance,  which  means
          to determine how you behave rather than   independently.   Lighthouse   parenting   trust should be developed on both sides
          the  other  way  around.  We  must  model   centres around balancing love, respect, and   of the parent-child relationship. Parents
          appropriate  behaviour  if  we  expect  it   trust between parents and children. It aims   need to  trust their children to  make
          from our children. Therefore, if we come   to help parents provide a strong, supportive   their  own  decisions  and  remember
          in  hot,  we  are  demonstrating  to  our   base  for  their  children  to  rely  on,  placing   the  boundaries  that  are  in  place,  and
          children  just  how  overwhelmed  we  are   trust in children’s decision-making skills and   in  return,  children  need  to  trust  that
          with  the  situation.  The  message  to  the   their ability to cope with any consequences   their  parents  are  setting  reasonable
          child  is  then,  “Wow,  Mom  and  Dad  are   that may arise from them.   boundaries to protect them.

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