Page 37 - Intra Muros April 2024
P. 37


                                                                                   LIGHTHOUSE PARENTING IS TO
                                                                                   BUILD TRUST WITH YOUR TEEN.
                                                                                   •  Listens and guides instead of
                                                                                   •  Responds instead of reacts.
                                                                                   •  Plants seeds of wisdom and
                                                                                   •  Empowers children to be
                                                                                   •  Let’s children fail even if it hurts.
                                                                                   •  Sets appropriate boundaries and

                                                                                   [ Leads to more trust and confidence
                                                                                     in self and parental influence.

                                                                                  Shift your focus from:
                                                                                  “I am going to do everything I can to ensure
                                                                                  my child has the least unhappiness.”


        •  Communicate openly:  Talking to your   Rules and boundaries should be based on   “I am going to do everything I can to plant
          child  is  a  great  way  to  build  trust,   protecting your child from any physical,   the right seeds to empower my child to get
          strengthen the parent-child relationship,   moral, or psychological dangers that may   through  anything and  everything  without
          and learn more about your child. Respect   threaten their safety.       losing confidence and self-worth”.
          your  child’s  opinions,  interests,  and
          viewpoints, even if they differ from yours.
          Share your perspectives and views as well
          and  have  open  communication  in  your
          relationship. No one knows what another
          person is thinking or feeling unless they
          ask, and the more you ask, the more you

                                               o Marital, Couples & Family Therapy
        •  Allow your child  to make  mistakes:
                                               o Counselling Children, Adolescents & Adults
          Allowing  your  child  to  make their own
          mistakes  will  help  them  take  a  step   o “Teen” Challenges
          forward   with   their   independence.   o Behavioural & Adjustment Challenges
          Mistakes give children a learning
                                               o Stress-Related Challenges
          opportunity to grow from and apply their
                                               o Adjustment to Depression & Anxiety
          new understanding by themselves in the
          future. Preparing your child to make the   o Subject & Career Psychometric Testing
          best  choices  possible  will  set  them  up
                                                                 For an appointment please call
          positively in the future.
                                                                        083 376 1995
        •  Set   clear   and   protective   rules:          Fees are charged according to Scale of Benefits
          Lighthouse  parents  can  be  flexible  and
                                                       Practice Address: 27 Fish Eagle Street, Silver lakes, Pretoria
          listen  to  their  child’s  views,  but  clear    Pr. Nr. 0860000114022  |  Reg. No.: PS 0080543
          rules and expectations are still in place.

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