Page 28 - Intra Muros May 2024
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                        A sense of belonging

               This long-term resident reflects on what living in Silver Lakes means to her.

       I                                     Over  the  years  I  have  contributed  on-  It  comprises  a  variety  of  styles  now,
          have  been  reading  Intra Muros from
          its  inception  in  the  early  years  of  the
                                                                                  ranging from the small houses of both first-
                                             and-off  to  Intra Muros,  collating  stories
          existence  of  Silver  Lakes,  back  when  it
        was still printed and put together on Pam   and information from the environmental   time buyers and retirees in ‘that estate out
                                             and  aesthetic  committees  while  I  was
                                                                                  there’ to mansions, Tuscan interpretations
        Robinson’s kitchen table and then printed   environmental director. Sometimes I just   and a style that typifies Silver Lakes.
        at the then HOA offices at the post boxes,   published  the  ‘nicety’  of  living  in  Silver
        where Telkom has its office now.     Lakes,  presenting  information  about  its   We  have  this  variety  because  we  do  not
                                             architecture, our nature walks, our parks,   have too many rules, and definitely not too
        We printed it on A3 sheets or sometimes   events at the clubhouse, or stories about   many to inhibit our inhabitants’ individual
        A4,  which  we  stapled  together  and  hand   people who had been living on the estate   architectural   preferences.   In   recent
        delivered to every house – there were so   for ages.                      years,  we  have  seen  many  houses  being
        few.                                                                      transformed  into  more  modern  styles,
                                             I thought it might be nice to start writing   juxtapositioned with the older homes. This
        When it came to collecting content for the   about Silver Lakes again – not about the   creates the sense of a purely Silver Lakes
        magazine, there was a lot of homeowner   goings-on  on  the  committees  (those   look and feel. I believe anyone with a love
        participation,   especially   since   there   are details the various managers and   of expressing himself or herself is a fan of
        were  only  about  200  houses  spread   directors can talk about in their articles),   our estate’s ethos of ‘self-expression’.
        over  the  whole  area.  It  was  our  way  of   but just about what I see when I walk or
        communicating the events and news of the   go  on  my  bicycle  around  this  amazing   However,  there  is  a  downside  to  this:
        estate – and it still is.            estate of ours.                      sometimes  too  much  variation  creates
                                                                                  chaos.  That’s  why  we  must  try  to  take
        Where  does  the  title  Intra Muros come   The other day I had to go to a   good  care  of  our  sidewalks  by  keeping
        from? It originates from the fact that we   physiotherapist,  and  in  one  short  ride   them tidy with lots of greenery – because
        were the first residential golf course built   on my bicycle I could capture the street   sidewalks are the unifying character of our
        between walls.                       architecture that embodies Silver Lakes.   estate.

        Who lives behind these different front doors? Nothing is the same but the friendly individuality, combined with plants and carefully thought-out
        paving and gates. Like owner, like home.

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