Page 33 - Intra Muros May 2024
P. 33



                                                      By Elize Malan

             rtificial plants are frequently used by
             interior designers to enhance living
        Aspaces. The quality and appearance of
        top-of-the-range silk plants are exceptional.

        Given our current wintry weather, the outdoor
        use of these plants is minimal. Besides, there
        is  such  a  wide  variety  of  natural  plants  to
        choose from, you can find a suitable specimen
        for nearly every spot in the garden.

        However,  the  fact  remains  that  water
        problems,  climate  change  and  everyday
        lifestyle  changes  will  result  in  faux  plants
        being used increasingly in future.

        Artificial outdoor plants have a limited lifespan
        but require little maintenance, making them
        a  viable  solution  for  specific  areas.  Shaded
        patios, balconies and south-facing courtyards
        can be green without a single natural plant.

        The  product  you  choose  needs  to  have
        ultraviolet  (UV)  blocking  technology  as  well
        as  strong,  colourfast  pigments  when  used
        outdoors.                            Topiaries:  Container  plants  pruned  into   type  of  lawn  installation,  the  grass  will  be
                                             a  certain  shape  need  extra  care  and   swept or a leaf blower can be used to clean
        Here  are  some  suggestions  for  faux  plant   maintenance.  By  using  a  faux  topiary  in  an   away leaves. Solid waste from dogs has to
        placement and care in the garden:    attractive pot, these problems are eliminated.   be  removed  and  the  area  hosed  down.  A
                                                                                  cleaning solution from faux grass suppliers is
        Hedge plants: Natural hedge plants will take   Covering an unsightly object: You can cover   applied to remove any smell or spill.
        a few years to reach maturity. Plant the small   the JoJo tank or grey-water pipes and even air
        hedge  plants,  but  add  a  faux  plant  hedge   conditioners with faux plants.  A serious gardener will not easily opt for a
        behind it. This will provide instant privacy and                          faux plant solution. But when used correctly,
        have the purpose of acting as a windbreak. By   Pool filters will be out of sight and there will   artificial  plants  will  provide  years  of  visual
        the time the faux hedge becomes tatty, the   be nothing shedding leaves into the pool.   pleasure to those difficult areas and require
        living hedge will hide it.                                                no further attention.
                                             Smaller projects such as a fence or wall can
        Garden walls:  Adding  a  lattice  trellis  in   be undertaken by any DIY handyman. Where   Sources:
        front of  the wall  and  covering it  with  faux   you need a framework, it should be handled
        ivy  will  supply  instant  depth  to  your  view.                                                  by professional installers.
        A backyard wall covered with faux greenery                      
        will transform the area into a soothing green   Faux  lawns  come  in  different  colours,   Tel: 012 804 1807
        environment.                         thicknesses and heights. Choose the correct   Fax: 012 804 0278
                                             one for the area you need to cover. Areas with   Web:
        Hanging baskets: These can be added to any   bad drainage or a slope will need a different   Email:
        suitable support and you don’t have to worry   approach compared to a level, firm surface.
        about getting a watering can or hosepipe to
        reach the basket. They are especially useful   When  it  comes  to  cleaning  your  faux  lawn,
        in garden design as background fillers, while   here’s what you need to know: Rain will
        baskets with natural plants are used for close-  keep  hedges  and  shrubs  clear  of  dust,  or
        up viewing.                          these can be hosed down. Depending on the

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