Page 21 - Intra Muros Issue 2 February 2025
P. 21

Get to know your Silver Lakes App: ADD AN EMERGENCY CONTACT

        Add An Emergency Contact

                              ADD AN EMERGENCY CONTACT
        Silver Lakes Golf and Wildlife Estate Mobile App

        Add an emergency contact to your panic button. The selected contact(s) will be notified in an emergency,
        Add  an  emergency  contact  to  your  panic  button.  The  selected  contact(s)  will  be
        notified in an emergency, when you press the panic button.
        when you press the panic button.

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                                                            a) Click on the name of the person you would like to add as your
                                                                         emergency contact.
           Navigate to My Connections by   Click on "My Connections"
           clicking on your "Profile Icon"                 b) Click on the right side of "Emergency Contact" to make the person
                                                                        your Emergency Contact.

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                                        Please Note: The person that you have selected
                                        must first Accept your request on their side- By
                                        navigating to "My Connections" and then selecting
                                         "Requests". They must then click on "Accept".
                                                                            Once your emergency contact has
                                                                          Accepted, your contact will display with the
          Now Click "Save" to make the person                                 "Emergency Contact" badge.
             your Emergency contact.

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