Page 26 - Intra Muros Issue 2 February 2025
P. 26



                 Congratulations to our February Garden winner: Mr White of 19 Norman Street

             his  month’s  breathtaking  garden   harmonious palette of textures and tones,   green,  complemented  by  delicate  Gaura
             is  a  true  testament  to  the  beauty   proving  that  water-wise  gardens  can  be   blooms. A bright green mini hedge provides
        Tand  functionality  of  water-wise   anything but dull.                  a vibrant pop of colour, framing the design
        landscaping. The homeowner’s dedication                                   beautifully. As you approach the house, the
        and  vision  have  culminated  in  a  front   The  layout  is  simplistic  yet  sophisticated,   entrance  is  flanked  by  stately  palm  trees,
        garden that is not only sustainable but also   balancing numerous elements to create a   introducing  another  level  of  height  and
        visually  captivating,  making  it  a  standout   cohesive  design.  Two  colours  of  crushed   grandeur.
        feature of Silver Lakes Golf Estate.  rock  have  been  skillfully  used  to  form
                                             clean, elegant lines, bringing an extra layer   The  combination  of  these  elements  not
        The  garden  showcases  a  brilliant  use  of   of  structure  and  interest.  Additionally,   only  enhances  the  appeal  of  the  house
        raised  beds,  designed  with  two  levels,   tall  pots  have  been  strategically  placed   but  also  serves  as  an  inspiring  example
        adding  depth  and  dimension  to  the   throughout  the  garden,  drawing  the  eye   of  how  water-wise  plants  can  create
        landscape.  These  beds  are  filled  with  a   inward  and  adding  balance  and  height  to   an  exciting  and  vibrant  landscape.  The
        diverse array of succulents, Aloe varieties,   the overall composition.   homeowner’s  innovative  approach  and
        and  Agaves,  all  chosen  for  their  drought-                           meticulous  attention  to  detail  make  this
        resistant qualities and striking appearances.   To  soften  the  strong  architectural  lines,   garden a deserving winner and is a source
        The  careful  selection  of  plants  creates  a   the garden incorporates various shades of   of inspiration for the entire community!

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