Page 28 - Intra Muros Issue 2 February 2025
P. 28
By Elize Malan
hanks to our mild Gauteng climate,
we are blessed with a variety of bird
Tspecies visiting and breeding in our
Not all birds are welcomed with the same
enthusiasm. Take our typical city birds
such as pigeons or the Cape sparrow,
both of which are regarded as a nuisance.
Eliminating nesting sites in the eaves of
house roofs will prevent bird droppings,
debris and dead baby birds appearing on
patios or pathways.
Feeding wild birds is a controversial topic,
but supplying a certain amount of birdfeed
at fixed times enables the homeowner
to watch different species at close range.
Bear in mind, though, that bird feeders
should only be used to provide birds with
supplementary food.
Bonemeal as a supplement on the Cape honeysuckle is a popular choice of
To attract a variety of birds you have feeding table will attract the attention shrub and a very easy grower.
to cater for their different dietary of hornbills, sparrows and starlings and Aloes are a favourite of bulbuls, especially
requirements. For example, wild bird seed can be bought from your local butcher. in winter.
will attract the finch, the Bronze Mannikin Strelitzia reginae as well as Strelitzia
and even waxbills. Mealworms are eaten by most cross- Nicolai produce a rich, dripping nectar.
feeders. The ordinary Cape or house Vachellia karroo produces sweet-
Planting indigenous wild grasses sparrow will devour all the worms on smelling, sticky flowers.
will encourage daily foraging that is the feeding table before any other bird Salvia is diverse in fragrance, bloom, size
supplemented by seeds on the feeding gets a chance. and colour, and is a great source of pollen
table. Grasses tend to get untidy and are and nectar for birds, bees and butterflies.
often cut before the seed ripens. As a Buddleja species of bush produce
result, natural reproduction is inhibited beautiful, sweet-smelling flowers that Remember to minimise the spread of
(less grass next season) and the food attract butterflies. This will provide food disease by disinfecting feeders and
source is destroyed. for them during winter months. bird baths regularly with hot water and
Trees and shrubs that provide shelter and Rhamnus prinoides or dogwood shrub
food can be supplemented by making has small, greenish flowers that appear References:
freshly cut fruit available. Mouse birds, between November and January. These pigeons-on-your-roof/
barbets, bulbul and thick-billed weavers flowers attract all kinds of insects. January 2019
will become regular visitors.
Sugar water is a supplement for all
Celtis africana trees produce small, yellow nectar-feeding birds. It can be placed Tel: 012 804 1807
round fruit enjoyed by fruit eaters. at a feeding table. Be sure to use boiled Fax: 012 804 0278
Dovyalis caffra supply large yellow fruit in water with 10% to 20% sucrose (table Web:
abundance. sugar). Replace the mixture every four Email:
Duranta trees, left to grow as bushes, days.
become covered in bunches of yellow
berries. South Africa has a wide variety of
indigenous trees and shrubs that
If you limit the use of insecticides and fill produce nectar-rich flowers, so I have
your garden with flowering plants, insect- never felt the need for a container with
eating birds will be regular visitors. sugar water.