Page 30 - Intra Muros Issue 2 February 2025
P. 30



            creens  are  everywhere  these   children learn that reading is enjoyable – a   READ ALOUD, TOGETHER
            days,  competing  for  our  children’s   way to relax and discover.   Reading  aloud  isn’t  just  for  toddlers  –
       Sattention. Yet, books offer something                                     primary  school  children  often  love  being
        unique  –  they  spark  curiosity,  bring   CREATE A COMFY READING SPOT   read to, even up to grade 6 or 7. It’s about
        comfort, and unlock worlds of imagination    A cosy corner with a basket of books can   picking  a  book  that’s  engaging  and  age-
        and insight. Encouraging children to reach   work wonders. It might be a quiet spot by   appropriate. Sharing a story as a family can
        for  a  book  might  take  some  extra  effort   the window or a beanbag in their bedroom   turn reading into a relaxing and memorable
        in a digital world, but it’s a journey worth   –  somewhere  they  can  grab  a  book  and   bonding  activity.  Gathering  together  to
        taking. Whether they’re toddlers clutching   settle  in.  When  books  are  easy  to  reach,   enjoy a chapter each night or discussing the
        their  first  picture  book  or  primary  school   reading feels like a natural choice, just part   plot builds a sense of connection, making
        children  diving  into  adventure  stories,   of what they do at home.    reading feel like quality time.
        here’s  how  to  make  reading  a  treasured
        part of family life.                 SET THE EXAMPLE                      LET KIDS PICK THEIR BOOKS
                                             Children are quick to copy what they see. If   Letting children choose their own books is
        START EARLY WITH PRINT BOOKS         they watch you reading a book or flipping   key to keeping them interested. Take them
        Print books can make reading feel special   through  a  magazine,  they’ll  see  reading   to the library or a bookshop and encourage
        from  the  very  start.  There’s  something   as something worth doing. Whether it’s a   them to browse and pick what catches their
        calming  about  holding  a  book,  turning   novel, recipe book, or newspaper, showing   eye  –  comics,  animal  books,  mysteries,
        the  pages,  and  exploring  illustrations.   them that reading is part of your day lets   anything  that  excites  them.  The  choice  is
        By  starting  with  simple  printed  stories,   them know it’s something to enjoy, too.   theirs, and that makes all the difference.

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