Page 12 - Waterfall City Issue 12 2022
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Waterfall City News
The making of the
Introducing Waterfall City’s brand-new promo video!
W e chatted to Dale capture the living, business and leisure tenants. This is a working City, so we
had to plan around that.
Love-Ballantine of Indie
ethos, the new builds and, of course,
align with its new City brand, all with
Village Creative – the
production house
responsible for creating our new a vibrant African flair. Everything from What were your challenges?
A large part of the commercial side of
homes, offices, shops and restaurants,
promo video capturing Waterfall schools, healthcare, entertainment and Waterfall City is industrial. There is a lot
City’s spirit and energy, inclusivity and more, had to be portrayed in the video. of warehousing, for example, and it’s
sustainability, safety and technology, not easy to make that look glamorous.
in addition to a host of other aspects How long did it take you to It is also hard to make solar panels look
– and learned more about what shoot? cool, but we needed to incorporate
goes on behind the scenes on a It took us about nine days to cover this because sustainability is one of the
production of this magnitude. this vast area. Two days shooting with pillars on which the City is built.
models and seven or so using drones
You shot the first Waterfall and hyper lapses to showcase the more How did you choose which
video five years ago. How prominent buildings. buildings to show off in the
has the City changed since video?
then? It must be a big job to Obviously, we couldn’t include them
The most significant change is the organise. all, so we followed the client’s brief
staggering amount of development Yes, it took us around three weeks to but also looked at the architecture, the
that has taken place since 2017. The get the permissions we needed and the green rating and the overall look of the
Waterfall City team wanted us to access to shoot certain buildings and building. For example, we chose Nexus
10 Waterfall City Issue 12 2022