Page 42 - Waterfall_Issue 7_2022
P. 42

Waterfall Lifestyle

           WHAT TO EXPECT

           WHEN ADOPTING

           A RESCUE DOG

                                                        By Sybie Loftwing

        From separation anxiety                     othing is more exciting than   there's a lot we can do to help our

        and irrational fears               N        meeting your dog for the    new dogs if we see them struggling.
                                                    first time and taking it to
                                                    its new forever home, but
        to having a nervous                 there may be some surprises in store   For the first few days, they may just
                                                                                want to be left alone and that's fine!
        bladder, you never                  if your new dog comes from a shelter.   Remember, they don't know where
                                                                                they are or what's going on, so just give
        know what could                     Animal shelters give abused or      them some space and let them explore
                                            otherwise neglected animals a       surroundings in their own time. Try to
        be on the cards for a               second chance at life when they     feed them at the same time every day
                                            find new, loving homes. Many dogs   – this will help to build a routine – and
        rescue dog once you                 that end up at shelters have gone   make sure that fresh water is always

                                            through traumatic experiences,      available. In fact, fresh water should
        bring it home. Don’t                or they may have severe injuries    always be accessible, especially after
        be discouraged by                   or illnesses when rescued.          they've been on a car ride or they've
                                                                                experienced any exciting event.
        uncertainty, take on the            Coming from an environment          Try to keep loud noise, commotion,
                                            dominated by abuse could have
        journey and you might               long-lasting effects on anyone, and   and guests to a minimum at first
                                            it's important to remember that dogs   because this can be overstimulating
        just find yourself with             can suffer from depression, anxiety   and overwhelming for an anxious
                                            and even PTSD (post-traumatic stress   dog. As exciting as having a new pet
        the greatest companion              disorder) related to any traumatic   is, small children especially should
                                            experiences they may have had       try extra hard to give the new pup
        you could hope for.                 before being rescued. However,      some space, particularly if the dog is

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