Page 6 - Waterfall Issue 9_2022
P. 6

Waterfall News

           A message from


           T      he move towards a more                                        if you have a tendency to

                  sustainable future is
                                                                                dabble in financial markets.
                  essential, and at Mall of
                  Africa, it’s happening in
           many ways - such as the arrival                                      Over on the commercial side of
                                                                                the development, the high-tech
           of Lush, a new store selling fresh,                                  giant Cisco is the latest company
           handmade, vegetarian cosmetics.                                      to move to Waterfall, taking up
                                                                                residence in the award-winning
           Lush products are made from                                          Ingress development. Read on to
           organic fruit, vegetables and                                        discover how Cisco’s technologies
           essential oils, and are sold with                                    support today’s new home-
           minimal packaging. The products                                      and-office workplace model.
           span a wide range of treats and
           everyday essentials, making the                                      With spring on the horizon, local
           store a welcome new addition, and                                    landscaper Emile Bolton from
           you can read more about the ethos                                    STM writes about the importance
           of the company in this magazine.                                     of the pollen cycle, with bees
                                                                                playing a vital role in sustaining
           The Mall is also gearing up for this                                 the planet’s ecosystems.
           year’s Face of Fashion competition
           to turn young hopefuls into hot                                      Keeping our environment
           new models. The judges are                                           safe for humans is crucial, and
           looking for personality rather than                                  that’s the job of Waterfall City
           conventional beauty, and our article                                 Security and Waterfall Common
           on this catwalk contest could be the                                 Services Company. Continuous
           starting point for a glittering career                               enhancements are being made to
           for you or someone you know.                                         all systems and security, including
                                                                                plans for a single monitoring
           If you need a new hairstyle before                                   station to provide a focused and
           you step out on the catwalk to                                       coordinated response capability.
           compete for your international   focuses on the ‘good bugs’ that live   In the meantime, the entrances to
           modelling career, you can also read   on our skin and protect us from   the residential estates have been
           about the Mall’s new Sorbet Hairbar.   bacteria. Unfortunately, all the COVID   updated with the latest technology,
           It offers everything from cuts and   sanitising can alter the skin’s surface   including facial recognition.
           colouring to manis and pedis, with   and, ironically, leave us open to   Read the featured article within
           some special opening offers.     diseases like acne and dermatitis.  to find out more about what
                                                                                we’re doing to protect you.
           Looking after ourselves involves   The expert columnists from PSG
           caring for our skin too, and the   Wealth look at timely investments.   Until next time,
           regular Netcare health column    It could be an important read       Waterfall Management Company

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        4  Waterfall Issue 9   2022
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