Page 11 - Waterfall Issue 9_2022
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One of the reaction teams on site This graph shows what types of crime the alerted vehicles were involved with before they entered Waterfall.
people within Waterfall, for instance, sabotage have led to tactically and adapt security tactics in near
assisting those whose cars break orchestrated and well-choreographed real-time. Planning, leadership
down or are involved in accidents. We operations by common area security organisation, and control over all
are managing six support calls per providers. These operations not only aspects is a permeating culture that
month and 31 ‘parked vehicle move’ thwarted several attempts but have constantly strives toward operational
calls regarding taxis and Uber drivers led to the incorporation of standing excellence and best practice.
that are parked illegally,” he says. security measures to additionally
secure localised Eskom and City Power “At Waterfall, we are continually
“We want to positively influence infrastructure that feeds into Waterfall. enhancing the safety and security
behaviour. Having greater insight footprint. There can be no compromise
into the activity on our roads means When incidents occur, thorough when it comes to protecting the
we can use the information in analysis and investigations are community today and into the
various ways. We are hoping this will used to review security strategies future,” concludes Redelinghuys.
result in more improvements and
enhancements when it comes to traffic
management in Waterfall,” he adds.
The safety and security aspects involve
more than just crime prevention; they
include protecting infrastructure as well.
As a practical example, recent attempts
of cable theft and infrastructure Waterfall Tactical Response
Waterfall Issue 9 2022 9