Page 14 - Waterfall Issue 9_2022
P. 14

Waterfall News


                                     By Emile Bolton, STM Landscaping Project Manager at Waterfall

        Emile Bolton, STM Landscaping Project                                          These pictures illustrate wind pollination
        Manager at Waterfall

        T      hroughout the seasons, our   of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere   HOW DID POLLEN

               Waterfall Community will
                                            have been rapidly increasing in the
               see visible differences in
                                            last century due to increased burning
                                                                                Pollen is an evolutionary development
               trees, grasses and weeds
        when they produce seeds. This       of fossil fuels and destruction of vital   found in more advanced plants, such
                                            forests, the earth’s ‘lungs’. Pollinators
                                                                                as Angiosperms and Gymnosperms,
        pollen cycle is vital to the survival   are key to the reproduction of plants   that protects the gametes and allows
        of humans, animals and plants.      in our fractured global landscape.   for fertilisation without water. Pollen-
                                            Without them, existing populations   producing plants are also able to
        Bees pollinate a third of what we eat   of plants would decline, even if   disperse their gametes further and
        and play a vital role in sustaining the   soil, air, nutrients, and other life-  in more diverse environments than
        planet’s ecosystems. Over 84% of the   sustaining elements are available.  more primitive seedless plants.
        crops grown for human consumption
        need bees or other insects to pollinate   Water and Soils               THE DISPERSAL OF
        them to improve the quality of food   Flowering plants help to purify water   POLLEN
        and ensure next generation crops.   and prevent erosion through roots   Wind or pollinating animals can
        Pollination is not just fascinating in   that hold the soil in place, and foliage   spread pollen and pollen morphology
        its natural history, it is an essential   that buffers the impact of rain as it   shows which of these vectors a
        ecological survival function. If    falls to the earth. The water cycle   plant species prefers. Smaller,
        there are no pollinators, the human   depends on plants to return moisture   smoother pollen is usually wind-
        race and all of earth’s terrestrial   to the atmosphere, and plants depend   dispersed, while larger, spinier
        ecosystems would not survive.       on pollinators to help them reproduce.  varieties have evolved to attach to
                                                                                pollinators such as insects, birds,
        WHAT ARE THE                        WHAT IS THE FUNCTION                dogs, mice, bats and even humans.
        ENVIRONMENTAL                       OF POLLEN? THE BOTANY
        BENEFITS OF                         BREAKDOWN                           ANNUAL POLLEN CYCLES
        POLLINATION?                        Besides causing hayfever in         IN GAUTENG
                                            humans, the ultimate function of    In Gauteng, we traditionally refer
        Clean Air (carbon cycling)          pollen is to deliver male gametes   to August as the windy month. True
        Flowering plants produce breathable   from a plant’s stamen to an ovule   to its reference, this wind plays a
        oxygen by utilising the carbon      for fertilisation of an egg, which   critical role in spreading pollen,
        dioxide produced by animals. Levels   then develops into a seed.        nature’s survival mechanism.

        12  Waterfall Issue 9   2022
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