Page 10 - Waterfall Issue 9_2022
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Waterfall News
Where safety and security are key focus areas
W aterfall City Security, along objective remains to pre-empt identified. What was a solid system
before is now even more sophisticated,
anything before it happens and be
with Waterfall Common
featuring the most advanced
Services Company, are
more effective in stopping crime.”
working tirelessly to
continuously increase the safety and “These changes have been designed technologies available,” he says.
security of all people in Waterfall. to reduce response times and make us Waterfall is also broadening its security
more effective with our interventions. footprint with more cameras being
“We have been very successful over The way we manage and control our installed throughout the development.
the past several years regarding this reaction has improved massively over Waterfall currently has more than
aspect and are constantly refining the last few years. In addition, the 600 surveillance cameras installed on
the extensive components we have entrances to the various residential its roads. Of course, it is not just the
already put in place. Of course, we are estates in Waterfall are being updated number of cameras that is important,
always exploring new opportunities with the latest technology. Facial but also how advanced they are, given
to safeguard Waterfall,” says Thys recognition solutions have advanced how systems have changed over time.
Redelinghuys, General Manager of significantly over the years and this
Waterfall Common Services Company. is improving the effectiveness of PAYING DIVIDENDS
access control to estates and other Waterfall’s approach and consistent
“Reducing the number of our security developments,” adds Redelinghuys. dedication to safety is working. Today,
service providers allowed for easier Waterfall City Security reads more than
communication and a more coordinated In every instance, software remains ten million vehicle numberplates per
response to security matters, both critical to the security of Waterfall. This month. From these reads, it receives
pre-emptively and in dealing with allows for better control when it comes more than 500 alerts per month.
incidents. We are working towards to access control, surveillance, reaction Typically, these include vehicles that
a single monitoring and command as well as record-keeping and analysis. are involved in a police investigation,
centre to further streamline our form part of the crime database, or
reaction to situations and ensure “We are better able to understand are flagged for driving recklessly (for
effective co-ordination of operations.” and analyse what is going on within example, speeding) within Waterfall.
Waterfall, despite the high number
“With all our reaction and guarding of vehicles and people moving in “On average, we are making 16 arrests
resources now supplied by one and out of the development. The per month on Waterfall’s roads, thanks
company, our deployment of the software behind the numberplate to the enhanced security environment.
resources also becomes more and facial recognition technology we But beyond the physical security aspect,
effective in combatting crime. Our use is crucial to ensure criminals are we are also providing vital support for
8 Waterfall Issue 9 2022