Page 15 - Waterfall Issue 9_2022
P. 15

Most trees in Waterfall, flower from August, followed by a six-week pollen release

                                                             The Waterfall Valley Par 3 course - three to four hours after mowing, a silver male
                                                             inflorescence can be seen.

           Bees are an example of    Veld grasses in bloom at
           manual pollinators        Waterfall Point         This picture illustrates how we measure an increase or decrease per season in Pom Poms.

        August – December: Trees            cut as a threat to its survival and   reproduction will still occur. Thus,
        Most trees in Waterfall will flower   immediately produces new seeds.    the rootzone has to be removed to
        from August, followed by a six-week                                      ensure the plant does not reproduce.
        pollen release. This can be a bit   October – May: Weeds
        earlier or later, depending on the   With pollination also comes the    The Verbena weed is very similar
        temperature of the atmosphere.      unfortunate spreading of weed seeds.   in its botany, reproductive
                                            Pollen from weeds can spread through   system and control measures
        September – May: Grasses            rivers like the Jukskei running through   as the Pom Pom weed.
        Veld grasses: We are blessed with   Waterfall. In heavy downpours, these
        over 160ha of greenbelts in the     seeds can travel kilometres and     December – May: Blackjacks
        greater Waterfall area. The veld    germinate on the banks, produce     Each plant can produce 3 000 seeds in
        grasses are an Egoli-Granite mixture,   pollen and be spread via birds etc.  a single generation. It’s an obnoxious
        and the peak pollen period is                                           weed to get rid of at the best of
        from September to February.         In the Waterfall greenbelts,        times. Both Blackjacks and Khakibos
                                            the weed pollen flushes are         are fire tolerant and controlled
        Reeds: The species prominent        as follows:                         burning will not assist in regulation
        at Waterfall, Phragmites, will                                          measures. Manual removal is your
        seed in August/September.           September – December: Pom           most effective way of dealing with it.
                                            Pom and Verbena weeds
        Residential lawns: Cynodon lawns will   •  Each stem carries approximately   ALLERGIES
        release pollen between September     6 - 8 flowerheads (seeds).         Allergic reactions to airborne pollen
        and May. The seeds are tiny and are   •  The stems are bunched in packs of 20,   grains are common among humans.
        spread by mowing, pets and walking.  thus 120 - 160 flowers per bunch.  The allergic condition is often referred
                                            •   A 1 000 litre bag is used to collect   to as hayfever. A fantastic source in
        Kikuyu lawn will seed from           them.                              South Africa with real-time scientific
        September to February. A common     •   On average in summer, we will fill   data is ‘The Real Pollen Count’, which
        theme with Kikuyu lawn owners is     over 200 bags from our greenbelts;   provides you with weekly spore trap
        that they will mow the lawn and a    a staggering 1.2 million flowerheads   figures throughout South Africa.
        couple of hours later will see a fine   per season.                     This is very useful when you suffer
        silver layer over it. This is the male   •   Removing the flowerhead stops   from allergies and have to travel.
        inflorescence that recognises the    seed dispersal, but vegetative                       Ref:

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