Page 68 - Waterfall City Special Edition 2022
P. 68

With innovation, along with the welfare of people and   Underpinned by the uninterrupted integrated fibre
          the planet at the core of its operations, Waterfall City has   optic and wireless telecommunications infrastructure,
          positioned itself as a mindful partner in the residential   Waterfall City uses data-driven communications to enhance
          and commercial sector, providing integrated and seamless   community satisfaction.
          connectivity, energy efficient building practices, astute water   The Go  Waterfall app, developed specifically for those
          and waste management, and future-fit road infrastructure.    living and working in Waterfall City, has become part of daily
                                                         life in the precinct, creating a more tightly-knit community.
          SMART CITY CONNECTIVITY                        Waterfall City residents and staff can use the app to stay
          Creating and managing a development like  Waterfall   abreast of the latest events, order groceries online for door-
          City takes careful planning across various aspects,   to-door delivery, listen to Waterfall City podcasts and even
          including the critical component of connectivity.  To this   take a geotagged photograph of a pothole, a security risk, or
          end, the City features integrated fibre optic and wireless   an accident and submit it through the app.
          telecommunications infrastructure that meets the global
          standard of uninterrupted superfast communication. Besides   ENERGY EFFICIENCY FOCUS
          33 strategically placed cell masts, it boasts a dedicated fibre   Waterfall City has adopted a strong environmentally-
          optic cable link between the development and the Teraco   conscious approach to planning and development when
          Data Environments in Johannesburg, so that Waterfall City is   it comes to energy.  The intention  is to keep the  carbon
          not reliant on other third parties for connectivity, and open   footprint small, air pollution low, and energy efficiency high.
          accessibility is stretched to the extreme.     Given the greenfield nature of the development and how
           Currently, there is 714km of underground ducting across   almost every building in Waterfall City is, in effect, a new
          Waterfall City and the network is fully redundant, resulting   build, it was an ideal opportunity to implement passive
          in limited to no downtime. Parallel streams of network   climate design principles and introduce green innovation
          infrastructure have been installed, so that if a fibre cable   for greater sustainability.
          is broken during excavation, there is another backup fibre   To  date,  Waterfall  City  has  31  green-rated  buildings.
          cable to which Internet and voice traffic can be redirected.   Passive energy measures applied to the building envelope
          All possible connectivity risks have been mitigated,   and  the use of glass, in addition to  active  systems like
          including the ongoing scourge of load-shedding, where   lighting and heating, have been implemented to work in
          backup generators have been installed to provide support   unison with one another, with solar being the last step.
          to primary generators. Additionally, the entire connectivity   Illustrating this, Mall of Africa boasts the world’s largest
          layer is run on DC power, which completely removes the   rooftop solar PV/diesel integrated plant, which covers most
          risks associated with power spikes from Eskom.  of the available roof space, approximately 45 000m², and the

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