Page 70 - Waterfall City Special Edition 2022
P. 70


          WATER-WISE STRATEGIES                          sustainability efforts, residents are encouraged to install
          Flooding and erosion control are significant challenges when   JoJo tanks, using their gutters for harvesting rainwater.
          it comes to stormwater management in any development.   Many  of  the  commercial  buildings  in  Waterfall  City  also
          One of the ways in which Waterfall City has mitigated this,   have  rainwater harvesting  systems in place. This includes
          is through the building of 18 attenuation dams that have   Deloitte, with 270kl-worth of rainwater harvesting storage,
          become part of its 130ha greenbelt.  There is the large   and Mall of Africa, with 450kl of stored water.
          attenuation dam within the Waterfall Country Village Estate,
          and  17  smaller ones  across  the  rest  of  the  development.   FORWARD-THINKING WASTE MANAGEMENT
          These carefully designed civil structures blend into the   Waterfall City’s waste management processes – an integral
          natural landscape and play a critical role in controlling the   aspect of creating a sustainable environment in a smart
          flow of rainwater throughout the development. In addition,   city – focus on diverting waste from landfills and creating a
          a number of specific species of fish have been introduced to   circular economy.
          the main dam to support the natural process of keeping it   Starting with organic waste, Waterfall City employs the
          healthy and creating a thriving ecosystem.     revolutionary Heron IVC (in-vessel composter) machine.
           To conserve water, a precious resource,  Waterfall City’s   It can process up to 80 000kg of food waste per month, to
          landscaping focuses on indigenous, water-wise plants. The   help the Waterfall City community fight the carbon battle
          City furthermore  has  a  water  use  licence  that  allows for   while creating a nutrient-rich fertiliser for the development’s
          irrigation of common areas of the development using water   gardens, parks, and fields. So far, the food waste from Mall of
          from the Jukskei River. Dirty river water is pumped into an   Africa as well as the Waterfall Wilds and Polofields Crossing
          ozone water treatment plant and used for irrigation and   retail centres  is  being  processed  on  a  monthly  basis. By
          water features in the public spaces. On a busy day, the plant   putting this programme in place to compost food waste,
          treats approximately two million litres of water.   Waterfall City aims to radically reduce the methane gases
           Over and above this, as part of the development’s wider   produced by landfilled food waste.

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