Page 23 - Waterfall City Issue 9 September 2024
P. 23

proud of the team’s performance and   workshop with a Disney cast member.   “Not only is dancing fun exercise,
        achievements on this international   After that, the team will travel to Los   but it’s a great opportunity to
        stage, holding South Africa’s       Angeles, where they will take classes   meet other aspiring dancers in
        name high. This is the first time   at the Millennium Dance Complex     the community. Our commitment
        the Waterfall City dance team has   and attend workshops with celebrity   to the performers at Pulse
        achieved Junior Grand Champion      choreographers.                     Dance is to support their dance
        of the World status. It was certainly                                   aspirations and dreams by offering
        a moment to remember, being the     For the remainder of the year, the team   opportunities to perform both
        highest accolade that my studio has   will compete in the SA Dance School   locally and internationally,” adds
        ever accomplished.” says Corlanie.  Championship 2024 in October and    Corlanie.
                                            Dance Stars in November, where they
        Disney, here they come              could qualify to go to Croatia in 2025.  Pulse Dance Studio is situated in
        The team’s next international trip                                      the gym of the Waterfall Country
        will be in December this year when   Pulse Dance Studio has been operating   Village Estate clubhouse. Anyone
        51 dancers will travel to Disney World   in Waterfall City for 10 years, and some   interested can contact Corlanie
        with Pulse Dance Studio’s sister    dancers have been with Pulse since its   Botha for more information:
        company, Dance Connection. They     beginning. Offering hip hop, modern,   072 368 1254
        will perform in the parades at Disney   jazz, and contemporary dancing, the
        World and at one of the prestigious   studio encourages children from ages
        theatres. They will also participate in a   five to 18 to join.         Instagram: @dance_connection_sa

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