Page 24 - Waterfall City Issue 9 September 2024
P. 24
Waterfall City News
Waterfall City’s 24/7 firefighting service expands its offering
F ire Ops SA is a private fire brigade Peace of mind a fire broke out at a home due to
service with a station in Waterfall
faulty electrics in a patio jacuzzi.
Between September 2023 and July
Patrolling Waterfall City security guards
City. It is primarily a firefighting
2024, the Fire Ops SA team stationed in
service, with full-time firefighters
and a fleet of emergency vehicles. It Waterfall City extinguished 25 structural spotted the fire and reported it to the
control room. While the control room
fires, 86 veld fires, and 8 vehicle-related
also offers fire consultations, training fires within the City. They also supported contacted Fire Ops, the astute security
and equipment maintenance services. with 33 Special Service callouts during personnel used multiple dry chemical
this period, including snake and water powder fire extinguishers to mitigate
Fire Ops’ presence within Waterfall monitor relocations as well as flooding the extent of the blaze.
City has developed extensively since problems.
its inception and its establishment of Fire Ops crews arrived on the scene
fire services two years ago, and the Over and above this, our local Fire within 9 minutes, to find the pool patio
team will soon be adding an additional Ops SA team recently attended to two and pump engulfed in flames. Within
key site of operations to further their residential fires in Waterfall Country 20 minutes the rapid intervention
presence in the City. Estate. On the morning of 4 August, team had extinguished the blaze using
22 Waterfall City Issue 9 2024