Page 25 - Waterfall City Issue 9 September 2024
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their ultra-high pressure (UHP) system, homes are protected at all times. They an emergency. By delivering emergency
ensuring minimal water damage, need to understand what causes a signage and Unique Positioning
while hand tools were used to lift the fire, how to identify hazards in the Number (UPN) boards to security
deck flooring to ensure that no fire home, how to look out for potential fire guard houses and at reception areas at
extension had occurred. threats, and how to use basic handheld commercial properties across the City,
fire equipment,” explains Monique Fire Ops is safeguarding residents and
On 10 July, a fire had started in the Goosen, Head of Marketing. businesses even further by giving them
chimney of a wood-burning fireplace added reporting platforms for direct
at another home in Waterfall Country “With this in mind, we have developed communications with their respective
Estate. It was luckily suppressed just Domestic Fire Training modules that control rooms. This awareness drive will
before Fire Ops arrived on the scene. we are now rolling out across various continue across Waterfall City for the
However, the crew inspected the roof estates at R380 per person. This foreseeable future.
to make sure the fire had not extended two-hour session is all it takes to feel
into the roof void and spread to the protected.” Fire Ops SA is also currently running
rest of the home. an awareness campaign across the
In addition to Domestic Fire Training, different malls within Waterfall City,
Training remains a focus Fire Ops also offers Fire Marshall, First where key staff are available to answer
The Fire Ops team has also spent Aid and Basic Fire Training for the all your questions.
considerable time learning where the commercial and industrial sectors.
community’s needs lie, and training has All are SETA Accredited and certified. Contacting Fire Ops on
always been a top priority. For more information, contact their emergency number 083 622 6026, as listed on the
“Our commitment to continuous Go Waterfall app, will give you
learning ensures that we are always What’s new? direct access to their operators
prepared to meet the evolving As part of Fire Ops SA’s current awareness who are on standby 24-hours
challenges of fire safety. We believe drive across Waterfall City, teams on the a day to take your call, with
that training from within is the first ground have been hard at work to ensure officers and crew ready to
port of call to delivering a safer City. businesses and estates are fully briefed dispatch at a moment’s notice.
Residents want to know that their on the response process in the event of
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