Page 12 - Dainfern Valley
P. 12

lOCkdOwn ACtivitiES

               LOCKDOWn COWBOY hOEDOWn

                                             Other fun Facebook
                                             challenges included
                                             camping (stargazing,
                                             toasted sandwiches and
                                             S'mores) and Lockdown
                                             hoedown. Our kids enjoyed
                                             making the pizzas more
                                             than eating them, again
                                             showing that family time
                                             is what is so important in
                                             these unprecedented times.
                                             Stay safe fellow
                                             Lockdowners. May
                                             your pizzas be as
                                             delicious as ours
                                             were.                                                                                                    By Sarette Arnold
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