Page 8 - Dainfern Valley
P. 8

EStAtE nEwS                                                                                       A DRIVE ORgANISED By

      OTHER SuCCESSFuL DRIVES                                                                              RESIDENTS IAN AND DEBBIE
                                                                                                           FOR PET WELFARES
      uNDERTAKEN INDIVIDuALLy                                                                              4PAWS AND CLAW.
       By RESIDENTS INCLuDE:                                                                               All donations were incredible to say the least! Cora from Claw came

                                                                                                           to collect the dog and cat food collected. She was so overwhelmed
                                                                                                           by the kindness of our estate and says a huge thank you to every-
      SANDWICHES AND FRuIT                                                                                 one. They also do a huge amount of work helping the community in
      FOR DIEPSLOOT WHICH WAS                                                                              any way they can with very little.
      ORgANISED By DEE.                                                                                    We thank you so much for helping them!


      Wow . . . just WOW! A big thank you to everyone
      who supported this initiative. Your kind and generous
      donations are appreciated. Once again, thank you!
      Take care and stay safe.

      Kind regards,

      The Steyn City Foundation team and our incredible Dainfern   Generous food donations
      Valley security guards loading up the vehicle
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