Page 5 - Dainfern Valley
P. 5

                                                                    LEVEL 4
                                                              LOCKDOWN:                                              SPOTTED IN

                                                        EXERCISE REGULATIONS

                                                                ON THE ESTATE                                        THE ESTATE

                                                     Dear Residents,
                                                     After five long weeks, we're sure you have enjoyed the ability to exercise
                                                     outside your residence from 1 May 2020 between 6am and 9am.

                                                     SOmE ExERCISE REguLATIONS:
                                                     • Walkers, runners and cyclists must wear a cloth face mask or buff
                                                     that covers their nose and mouth.
                                                     • Physical distance (keep 2m away from other walkers, runners
                                                     or cyclists).

                                                     • No socialising.
                                                     DOg WALKINg:
                                                     • Please pick up after your dog (poop). We know
                                                     that picking up after your dog is far from glamorous,
                                                     but it needs to be done. . . The estate is also
                                                     currently not being maintained by Servest. Please be        Good day Judy,
                                                     a good neighbour and take a bag with you on your
                                                     walk and dispose of the bag at your residence.              Well, this large fella decided to come out of lockdown and sun
                                                                                                                 himself at my pool. I’m not sure how he got into my garden as the
                                                     • Dogs must be on a lead AT ALL TIMES when you              gate was closed and the side gate is sealed to the ground. My dogs
                                                     are outside your property.                                  were barking frantically at him. After a while, we decided to catch
                                                                                                                 him in the garbage bin. We closed the lid and wheeled him to the
                                                     Stay safe!                                                  river. He was very excited to be free again.
                                                     Kind Regards,                                               Regards, Diane de Kock
                                                     Board of Trustees
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