Page 8 - Dainfern Valley
P. 8


     BE WATER-WISE                                                                                                           CURRENT

                                                                                                                          VAAL DAM

           e’re heading into a drier                    occasional watering.
     Wperiod here in Gauteng.                                                                                             46.5%
     With not a rain cloud in sight                     • Get a solid pool cover. This
     and temperatures rising                            stops evaporation during the
     dramatically in the coming                         summer months and you
     weeks, it’s important to be                        won’t have to top up your pool
     mindful of how we use water                        too often.
     in our homes and gardens.
                                                        • If you have to water your
     Here are a few tips on how to                      garden, make sure to only
     save water and get the most                        water it after 6pm in the
     out the water you’re using in                      evenings and before 6am in
     your home:                                         the mornings.
                                                                                                                                                   Level 1
     • A running tap can waste 10                       • If you can, investigate
     litres of water per minute! Be                     installing rain water tanks.                                                      water restrictions are
     sure to switch off the tap when   • As mentioned before,   The water stored in the tanks                                           currently in place. Please
     brushing your teeth and in   running taps contribute to   (if it rains!) can be used to
     between soaping and rinsing   water waste! Running the tap   water your vegetable garden,                                             water your gardens
     your hands!               to rinse fresh produce can use   wash your car or wash your                                               between 6pm and 6am.
                               up to 10 litres of water per   dogs. This will save money
     • You could capture a bucket   minute! Avoid unnecessary   on municipal water accounts                                            Paved areas and driveways
     of water for the garden every   waste by putting a plug in the   too.                                                               may not be hosed down
     time you have a shower! When   sink or using a bowl when
     waiting for the temperature to   cleaning fruit and veggies. The   • Don’t use a hosepipe to                                        with municipal water, as
     heat up, collect the cold water   water you collect can be used   wash your car! Use the water                                         every drop counts!
     in the bucket and use it to   on your garden.      you’ve collected in your
     water your pot plants! Imagine                     shower bucket or from your
     how much water you’ll save.   • Plant water-wise plants in   rain tanks. You can make a                                                    Start saving
                               your garden. For example,   massive difference to the                                                            water now!
     • Check your toilets and taps   aloes and fleshy plants   environment with these small
     for water leaks and drips!   look lovely and only need   ideas!

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