Page 27 - Energize January 2021
P. 27

Compiled by Roger Lilley, Now Media

        Equatorial Guinea sets out FDI hopes for 2021                            LNG regasification plant to
                                                                                 boost regional economy
        Equatorial Guinea expects foreign direct investment in 2021 to exceed US$1-billion, according to
        the energy ministry, while production is expected to increase. Companies have made firm  Sub-Saharan Africa’s first liquefied natural
        commitments of $832,4-million, along with contingent investments of $370,6-million. The  gas (LNG) import terminal at Tema could
        Ministry of Mines and Hydrocarbons has approved companies to carry on working on studies,  turn Ghana into a petroleum hub. The
        allowing drilling to be pushed back to the end of 2021 or into 2022. Covid-19 and the oil price  project, built at a cost of US$350-million,
        crash have had an impact on Equatorial Guinea, which led to “considerable cuts” in 2020  could be a “driver of growth” for Ghana and
        spending plans.                                                          the region. It will provide year-round
                                                                                 guaranteed supply and promote investment
        Construction of 2400 MW              Upgrading of LV network to          in industries such as power infrastructure,
                                                                                 mining and ceramics which have relied on
        hydroelectric scheme underway        reduce outages
                                                                                 more expensive imported oils with erratic
                                                                                 availability. Ghana has one of Africa’s
        Construction of the Batoka Gorge     The Millennium Development Authority
                                                                                 highest rates of electrification, yet industrial
        hydroelectric scheme is expected to begin  (MiDA), the implementing agency for
                                                                                 development has been hampered by
        soon. This follows the completion of both an  Ghana’s Power Compact II, has signed a
                                                                                 unreliable supply.
        environmental and social impact assessment  contract for the commencement of works to
        which was concluded in December 2020. Two  upgrade the Southern power distribution
        international firms, the US’ General Electric  company, Electricity Company of Ghana’s  Oil and gas exploration
        company and China’s Power Construction  (ECG) low voltage (LV) network in the  agreements signed
        Corporation will undertake the construction  Kwabenya District in Greater Accra Region.
        and operation of the hydroelectric plant. The  The project, when completed by end of the
                                                                                  A year after initial awards were first
        project, which is valued at US$4,5-billion, is  August 2021 deadline, will see the provision
                                                                                  announced, minister of petroleum and
        to be built 52 km downstream from Victoria  of electricity supply and a reduction in
                                                                                  mineral resources Tarek El-Molla has
        Falls on the Zambezi River. The project is  power outages to residents and businesses
                                                                                  signed oil and gas exploration agreements
        expected to provide sufficient electricity to  in the Kwabenya District. An estimated
                                                                                  with six major IOCs and their Egyptian
        make Zimbabwe self-sufficient for its  397 950 customers could directly benefit
                                                                                  partner Tharwa Petroleum. Seven of the
        electricity needs.                   from the project.
                                                                                  agreements involving Egyptian Natural
                                                                                  Gas Holding Company (Egas) are for
        Contract for new wind farm signed                                         offshore areas in the Mediterranean, while
                                                                                  two are with South Valley Egyptian
        The government of Morocco has committed itself to fund the 270 MW Jbel wind farm near the  Petroleum Holding Company (Ganope)
        city of Essaouira. The contract, which is in the form of a power producer agreement (PPA), is  covering areas in the Red Sea. The
        between the government of Morocco, Nareva, a local energy company, and the Italian  ministry has said it expects to sign three
        renewable energy company, Enel Green Power. The contract is reported to be in the region of  more agreements soon.
        US$314-million. The Jbel wind farm is Tanzania’s third wind project as part of the country’s
        850 MW integrated wind programme.
                                                                                 Contracts with IPPs for new
                                                                                 hydro and solar projects
        Refugees benefit from bank’s         More wind power in
        solar PV installation                North-East Africa                   Tanzania’s state-owned power utility,
                                                                                 Tanzania Electric Supply Company
        The African Development Bank (AfDB) has  Ethiopia is among Africa’s top countries when  (TANESCO), has announced that it has
        enabled 43 296 people in refugee camps  it comes to wind energy potential. Siemens  selected six independent power producers
        in Burundi to gain access to solar energy.  Gamesa has announced that it is to build its  (IPPs) to supply the country with an
        In Nyankanda camp in eastern Burundi,  first wind farm in the country. The company  additional 19 MW of renewable energy
        refugees no longer need to go into the  is no stranger to African wind projects  sourced electricity. The utility says it will
        forest to look for fuel for lighting or to  though, as this will be the company’s tenth  sign new power purchase agreements
        cook their food. The camp has been   country in the continent where it will operate.  (PPAs) with these six IPPs soon. The
        equipped with a field of 46 solar PV panels  The 100 MW Assela wind project is expected  projects, which are in various stages of
        which provides the camp with 13,8 kWp.  to power over 400 000 households and save  development or construction, comprise a
        This electricity is used to light the  more than 250 000 tonnes of CO2 emissions  10 MW solar power plant in Kahama and
        administrative offices, library, community  per year. Ethiopia’s vision is to supply 100%  9 MW from a number of different
        centre, health centre, school buildings,  of domestic energy demand through  hydroelectric projects on different rivers
        and housing units.                   renewable energy by 2030.           within the country.

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