Page 37 - Energize November 2021
P. 37

NEWS                                                                                               NEWS

        South Africa readies for a big battery switch-on

        by Michael Ball and Gabriele Buccini,   March 2021 with additional RFPs for multiple sites released. This was also the time of the
        Wärtsilä                             Risk Mitigation IPP Programme with seven of the twelve winning bidders having significant
                                             amounts of batteries included; all are due to start construction by end January 2022.
              s restrictions on self-generation   Furthermore, the Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) 2019, which maps the country’s energy
              continue to ease, and load     mix for the next decade, provides 2 GW of battery storage by 2030 with the Minister having
        Ashedding continues to escalate, it   announced the first battery RFP of 512 MW to be released in November 2021.
        is becoming more apparent that utility-  On a smaller scale, a positive development is the amendment earlier this year to
        scale battery energy storage is set to play   Schedule 2 of the Electricity Regulation Act, which now allows private companies to install
        an important role in South Africa’s future.  embedded generation up to 100 MW. Many will want to complement their renewable
           Energy storage is an essential element   generation facilities with energy storage.
        in an integrated system along with     The localisation aspect of this procurement may be challenging despite Government’s
        renewables and flexible thermal power.   intention to encourage local manufacture of batteries. The dominant battery technology
        South Africa’s ambitious renewable energy   globally, due to its cost competitiveness, is Li-ion which is currently dominated by Asian
        roll-out plans, coupled with its ageing   suppliers. The cost of Li-ion batteries has been falling steadily, driven by the global roll-out of
        and inflexible coal fleet, introduces grid   electric vehicles (EVs), which is an important advantage for this technology. Today, however,
        instability and intermittency. Batteries   due to the huge global demand for batteries (both in EV’s and stationary applications), the
        provide the necessary flexibility to offset   market is becoming dominated by those who can obtain battery allocations. These market
        the escalating integration challenges of   dynamics may result in a temporary increase in battery prices soon.
        higher renewable penetration.          This unique supplier driven market situation could be an opportunity for South
           South Africa is also taking the first   Africa in terms of launching their support for increased local content which today would
        steps to introduce large-scale gas-  not realistically go beyond a 20% threshold. The success, however, of any localization
        fired power generation. Although both   initiative would hinge on ensuring predictability and consistency in the development of
        flexible gas power plants and batteries   the local storage market. To establish confidence with investors considering energy storage
        can be ramped up and down with       localisation, it is imperative that clear and transparent energy policy reform which supports
        relative ease, the two technologies are   market growth is timeously executed by the relevant authorities. Efficient execution of
        highly complementary. While batteries   energy policy is the key enabler in this regard.
        are typically suited to short-duration   It is crucial for South Africa’s “just transition” from coal-fired power to greener energy
        applications for up to a few hours, gas   that jobs should be replaced in the coal sector. Batteries may not make substantial
        generation is typically well suited to   contribution to job creation, but they will help to move the grid to greener energy, which
        provide longer-term applications such as   has significant job creation opportunities. South Africa’s IRP 2019 sketches an ambitious
        weekly, monthly, and seasonal flexibility.  renewable roll-out plan for 25 GW or 33% of the country’s energy contribution to be derived
           The energy storage market in South   from wind and solar PV by 2030. Renewable energy, backed up with energy storage, will
        Africa will need to be driven both by   help the country meet its Paris Agreement targets and make South African exporters of
        Eskom and by the private sector. In August   manufactured goods more internationally competitive. Batteries are therefore an essential
        2020, Eskom began this process by issuing   element of a renewable solution to/for a clean energy future.
        an RFP for battery storage at Skaapvlei.
        This was subsequently retendered in   Contact Michael Ball, Wärtsilä,,

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