Page 41 - Energize November 2021
P. 41


       Power developments in Africa

        Compiled by Roger Lilley, Now Media

        Soft drink bottler opts for solar power                                   New wind farm tender out
        Over the next six years, Daystar Power will build rooftop solar plants for five of soft drink   NamPower, the Namibian power company,
        manufacturer Seven-Up Bottling Company’s (SBC’s) plants with a combined capacity of 10,5 MW.   is implementing the 40 MW Rosh Pinah
        The systems will be installed in Abuja, Lagos (Ikeja), Ibadan and Ilorin. The company estimates   wind project, which is currently out to
        that these installations will enable the soft drink manufacturer to reduce its emissions of CO 2   tender. The state-owned company wants
        equivalent by 24 224 t over the 20-year life of the plants. The facilities are also expected to save   to recruit a company to handle the
        up to 40% on SBC’s electricity costs.                                     engineering, procurement and construction
                                                                                  (EPC) of the wind farm, which will be
                                                                                  located in the Sperrgebiet National Park
        Power pool expansion on              Waste-to-power plant                 on Namibia’s Atlantic coast. This will be
        the cards                            planned                              Namibia’s second wind farm after the
                                                                                  5 MW Ombepo wind farm. Another wind
        The US Trade and Development Agency   Tanzania Electric Supply Company    farm, Diaz Wind Farm, with a capacity of
        (USTDA) is providing a grant for a feasibility   (TANESCO) estimates the electricity needs   44 MW, will be located near the town of
        study to expand the West African Power   of Mafia Island in the Pwani Region at   Lüderitz in southwestern Namibia.
        Pool (WAPP). The study will assess the   2200 kWh. Currently, the 60 000 residents
        technical and economic viability of   of Mafia meet a large part of this
        constructing a 643 km 225 kV transmission   need (2180 kWh) with generators. The   Electric vehicles for Africa
        line and distribution equipment from   United Nations Industrial Development
        Ivory Coast to Liberia. It will also include   Organization (UNIDO) aims to improve   Opibus, a Swedish and Kenyan-based
        recommendations on the institutional and   the electricity supply on Mafia Island   company, is raising US$7,5 million, at
        commercial framework of the project as well   from renewable energy sources (biomass   COP26 in Glasgow, to begin production of
        as the preparation of bidding documents   and biogas). It is expected that 1-million   its electric vehicles in 2022. The company
        for US companies. WAPP seeks to improve   tons of CO 2 equivalent will be avoided   assembles electric motorcycles capable
        access to affordable and climate-friendly   with the implementation of the agro-  of replacing conventional (combustion)
        electricity for the citizens of the Community   industrial waste-to-energy project on the   motorcycles, a mode of transportation
        of West African States (ECOWAS).     island of Mafia.                     that has become widely democratized
                                                                                  in sub-Saharan Africa. The start-up
                                                                                  also assembles fully electric all-terrain
        Hydrogen facility to create thousands of job opportunities                vehicles and converts conventional
                                                                                  buses into fully electric cars. The project
        The government of Namibia has selected Hyphen Hydrogen Energy to develop a hydrogen   includes the establishment of a complete
        project involving the use of renewable energy. By 2030, Hyphen hopes to have 5000 MW of   ecosystem for electric mobility, including
        power generation capacity and 3000 MW of electrolysis capacity. The combined facilities will   charging and energy solutions. The
        produce 300 000 tons of green hydrogen per year, with an estimated overall investment of   company already has customers in six
        US$9,4-billion. According to Hyphen, the establishment of the production facilities will create   African countries.
        15 000 direct jobs during the four years of construction, with an additional 3000 permanent
        jobs during the operational phase.
                                                                                  Health facilities and
                                                                                  schools to benefit from
        Solar plant to improve               Villagers to benefit from            solar power
        energy mix                           solar power
                                                                                  Health facilities in 20 Togolese localities
        Electricity Generation Company (Malawi)   Although electricity in Madagascar is still a   will now be connected to solar mini-grids.
        Limited (Egenco) has awarded the     luxury for many households, especially in rural   The project was supported by a grant from
        construction of the first phase of its Salima   areas, Welight has been electrifying villages   the United States Agency for International
        solar power plant to Chint. The Chinese   for the past three years. To date, 35 Malagasy   Development (USAID) under the Power
        company will build a solar power plant   localities have received small solar power   Africa initiative. With a production capacity
        with a capacity of 10 MW. Although Chint   plants with battery storage systems and mini   of 40 kW, KYA-Energy Group invested in the
        is only responsible for the installation of   networks to serve local populations. Smart   solar electrification of 20 health centres
        the solar plant, the state-owned power   meters in consumers’ homes provide prepaid   in Togo. Furthermore, the centres have
        company wants to include battery storage   electricity through mobile money solutions.   received solar powered automatic hand
        to optimize the power output of its solar   The services allow villages to benefit from   wash stations and cell phone charging tables
        plant. The solar park is the first phase of a   public lighting, as well as the electrification of   in order to generate additional income for
        project to enable Egenco to inject 20 MW   public services such as health centres, town   the maintenance of the facilities and to
        of clean energy into its power grid.  halls, schools and police stations.  ensure the sustainability of the equipment.

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