Page 44 - Energize November 2021
P. 44


        It is clear that, with the unrelenting rise in   their 20-year off-take contracts with the   also concerns relating to the rate at which
        utility electricity prices – combined with   national utility expire. This opens the   solar panels will reach obsolescence, and
        national energy shortages threatening   door to a highly cost-effective increase   the environmental impact of disposing
        security of supply – mines and industry   in solar-powered electricity output from   of old models. Questions like these will
        have a solid economic justification for   existing solar farms. Where a solar energy   need to be answered creatively and
        capital expenditure in this direction. Their   facility is already in place – complete with   responsibly, to ensure that core principles
        success in implementing such schemes –   its infrastructure and compliance permits   of sustainability are applied as technology
        combined with the growing contribution   – it is likely that power production can be   advances.
        from private producers in the Renewable   raised considerably by replacing original   Recent trends, though, have
        Independent Power Producer Programme   panels with new, more efficient substitutes.  brightened the outlook for leveraging
        (REIPPP) – will inform the extent to which                                renewable energy for South Africa’s
        South Africa will need to rely on gas as a   Inevitable consequences      sustainable development. Seizing the
        steppingstone to a cleaner energy future.   Pivoting out of the fossil fuel economy,   regulatory opportunity for private power
                                             of course, will fundamentally disrupt   generation – and making the most of
        Competitive advantage                our coal industry over time; this has   cost-efficient and clean technology –
        South Africa’s higher-than-average solar-  raised many justified concerns among   will contribute towards the country’s
        radiation levels range between 4,5 and   stakeholders, especially in terms of job   movement in the right direction.
        6,5 kWh/m  in a day, giving us a clear   losses and impacts on local economies   The focus on renewable energy has
        competitive advantage in pursuing solar   in coal producing regions. However, the   shifted from cost competitiveness to
        PV options. Our annual 24-hour global   country’s electricity parastatal has taken   questions of scalability and base load.
        solar radiation average of about 220 W/  one step closer to reducing its dependency
        m  puts us well ahead of the United   on coal, as South Africa this week signed   About SRK
        States with their 150 W/m , and the level   a breakthrough deal at the COP26 climate   SRK is an independent, global network
        of about 100 W/m  for Europe and the   change discussions in Glasgow, Scotland.  of over 45 consulting practices on six
        United Kingdom.                        The deal includes grants and loans   continents. Its experienced engineers
           We can also take advantage of the   from the United States, Germany, Britain   and scientists work with clients in multi-
        high efficiencies of the latest global   and France, which will assist Eskom in   disciplinary teams to deliver integrated,
        technologies in solar PV panels. Such is   rolling out renewable energy projects,   sustainable technical solutions across
        the pace of development in this field, that   reducing its greenhouse gas emissions and   a range of sectors – mining, water,
        we could expect to see a trend in private   supporting a just energy transition from   environment, infrastructure and energy.
        solar energy developers upgrading their   coal fired power.
        panels and related equipment even before   Despite the positive shift, there are   For more information, visit

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