Page 47 - Energize November 2021
P. 47


        Myths and truths around South Africa’s recent

        renewable energy auction

        by Wikus Kruger, University of Cape Town

            outh Africa’s department of mineral resources and energy recently announced its
            choice of companies to build and operate a new batch of renewable energy projects.
       SThis is part of a programme in which the government invites private companies to
        compete for contracts to produce electricity and sell it to the national utility, Eskom.
           In this most recent auction of contracts, known as “bid window 5” (BW5), 25 projects
        – 12 solar and 13 wind – totalling close to 2600 MW of capacity got the go-ahead. These
        projects are expected to come online in the next two to three years. The contracts last for
        20 years.
           The power companies’ bids are scored mainly (90%) on the price at which they will sell
        electricity. The rest of the scoring (10%) is based on socio-economic development criteria.  Wikus Kruger
           BW5 marks the end of a long gap in procurement of renewable energy. South Africa
        started the procurement programme in 2011, and over the next four years awarded 102
        renewable energy projects totalling more than 6300 MW. The programme was stopped   these prices are feasible.
        in 2015 when Eskom’s leadership at the time refused to sign any more of these power   South Africa also has one of the
        purchase agreements.                                                      most onerous and expensive bidding
           The BW5 results announcement signals a renewed commitment. Prices of awarded   programmes in the world. This is to
        projects are extremely competitive – as low as 34,4c/kWh (about US$0.02) for onshore   guard against unrealistic bids being
        wind and 37,4c/kWh for solar PV. The average price for projects in the previous bid window   made. The country’s rate of successful
        was R1,03/kWh (about US$0.07) in April 2021 terms. The prices are now competitive with   bids that translate into projects is more
        Eskom’s average cost of buying coal in the past financial year: 42c/kWh. And, of course,   than 95% – one of the best in the world.
        Eskom has the additional cost of running coal-powered plants.               In short, there’s no reason to
           Thus, it is now theoretically cheaper for Eskom to buy renewable energy from   believe that new projects will not reach
        independent power producers than to run its more expensive coal power stations.  commercial operation because of price.
           The problem is that the power system is severely constrained and needs much more   Second, there’s the concern that due
        capacity before this is a realistic option. One also needs more flexible resources on the grid   to projects increasingly being awarded
        to ensure reliability and this adds to the costs.                         to fewer and fewer bidders, the market
           But I’ve been involved in research that shows renewable energy procurement   will be dominated by only a handful of
        programmes like this can secure projects that are built cost competitively – if well designed   international companies.
        and implemented. This is so even in difficult investment contexts in the global south.  While it’s true that a small number
           My view is that South Africa’s renewable energy procurement programme has the   of winning bidders were awarded
        potential to help restore energy security and eventually reduce power prices. This is   the lion’s share of projects in this
        despite some concerns that have been raised about the latest bid results. I will explain here   latest auction, it’s not true that this
        why these issues aren’t reasons for concern.                              has resulted in market domination.
                                                                                  The fact is that competition has been
        The concerns                                                              fiercer in each consecutive bidding
        Three main concerns have emerged in response to BW5:                      round, and no company has been able
        •  The prices are too low to be realistic                                 to dominate the market from one
        •  A few bidders will dominate the market                                 round to the next.
        •  Tariffs for renewables can’t be compared with baseload tariffs.          A degree of market concentration
                                                                                  is inevitable in a competitive bidding
        First, let’s consider the claim that these prices are way too low and the projects will never   process such as South Africa’s. This is
        be built at these costs.                                                  because the larger, more experienced
           While the announced prices are indeed around half of those of previous rounds,   bidders are able to use economies of
        they aren’t unrealistic. Global renewable energy auctions have regularly delivered   scale, financial innovation, stronger
        prices like these or even lower in the past two or three years. Examples can be found in   negotiation positions with suppliers and
        Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia, Portugal, Chile, Abu Dhabi, the US, Brazil and Uzbekistan. That’s   contractors and vertical integration to
        of course without the additional requirements embedded in South Africa’s procurement   reduce costs. In turn, they can offer more
        programme – which push up capital and operating costs – but the point remains that   competitive tariffs. But a number of

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