Page 63 - Energize September 2021 HR
P. 63


                                                                           20 May: Understanding the local content
                                                                           requirements in the REIPPPP
                                                                           Localisation is one of the key imperatives of the
                                                                           REIPPPP programme. The local content requirements
                                                                           are intended to achieve reindustrialisation and support
                                                                           the development of the local value chain. In this
                                                                           session we will unpack the local content requirements
                                                                           and how this is practically impacting local industry
                                                             CLICK              10 June: Opportunities in project

                                                           HERE TO
        Developing the                                    REGISTER                    development phase
                                                                                        Renewable energy development provides
                                                                                        opportunities for local businesses: consulting
                                                                                        services in resource assessment; land
        local renewable                                       NOW                     acquisition; environmental impact assessments;
                                                                                    specialist studies; site selection; project feasibility
                                                                                  studies; financing and legal services. This session
        energy value chain                                                      will expose participants to business opportunities in
                                                                           the development phase of renewable energy projects.
                                                                           15 July: Localisation opportunities in manufacturing
                                                                           value chain
           As the representative voices of the solar PV and Wind industries,   The REIPPP programme local content requirements
        SAPVIA and SAWEA are constantly working towards collaborating with   provide opportunities for local manufactures to
        stakeholders across the renewable energy sector to share knowledge   produce solar PV and wind power components locally.
                                                                           This session will break down the manufacturing
                           and drive effective change.                     value chain and identify opportunities for local

          They will present a six-part “Developing the local RE value chain”   19 August: Opportunities in transportation and
           webinar, to expose the public to business opportunities that exist   logistics
                                                                           As the renewable energy market grows in South Africa,
        within the renewable value chain. The renewable energy industry takes   it will increase business prospects for transportation
         particular interest in developing local businesses which could supply   and logistics companies in South Africa. Renewable
                                                                           energy cargo can be bulky and in the majority of cases
          products and services to accelerate the localisation potential of this   requires door-to-door transportation of a large number
         industry. Your organization is invited to support the vision to develop   of containers from one continent to another or urgent
          South Africa’s local businesses in order to maximise its localisation   air freight delivery. This requires efficient handling at all
                                                                           stages of the project: collection; warehousing; delivery
              impact while building local competence of global standard.   to site etc, meaning that most cases require specialist
                                                                           project cargo handling.
               Developing developers webinar series 2 –                    16 September: Localisation opportunities in the
                           May to October 2021                             construction phase
                                                                           The construction phase of renewable energy
                                                                           projects provides opportunities in the engineering
           Creating a platform which enables effective knowledge-sharing   and construction sectors. This session will focus on
                                                                           breaking down these opportunities and helping local
          between the industry and the rest of the country ensures that local   businesses to position themselves as the sector is
           businesses could access the knowledge and expertise needed to   starting to grow again.
              develop a world-leading local renewable energy industry.     21 October: Localisation opportunities in the
                                                                           operation and maintenance phase
                                                                           The session will focus on opportunities in the
              Please send sponsorship enquiries to:       operation and maintenance phase of renewable
                        CLICK HERE TO REGISTER NOW                         energy projects.

                         Participation: Free for SAPVIA/SAWEA and partner members
                  For more information, contact Kim Thomas, SAPVIA, Tel 076 303-1042,
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