Page 54 - Energize January 2022
P. 54


           Such a system would require a matrix of purpose-designed wind   Obstacles (the shelter effect)
        recording stations, accurate terrain maps, and the computing power   The presence of obstacles can affect wind to a height of three times
        to give a reasonable interpretation of measured data at any site in the   that of the obstacle, and to a distance of 30 to 40 times the obstacle
        country. In addition, ongoing updating of data over the long-term scale   height in the downwind direction.
        is required. High future renewable energy penetration requires an
        understanding of potential impact of climate change on future energy   WASA: A numerical wind atlas for South Africa
        generation. Substantial changes in the near-surface atmospheric flow   A wind atlas is a generalized set of wind climate information at a
        and storm climates in a GHG-warmed world can affect wind energy   given location and is much more than a simple map containing mean
        generation/spatial manifestations. Accurate forecasting is required,   wind speed.
        and the accuracy of the forecasting increases as the measurement   The WASA project was undertaken by a consortium consisting
        period increases. 3                                    of SANEDI, the South African Weather Services (SAWS), the Council
           A number of systems that used satellite data and global wind   for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), the University of Cape
        maps were available, but none related to actual ground-based   Town (UCT) and DTU Wind Energy (the Danish Research Institute – a
        measurements. To meet these requirements the WASA (Wind Atlas of   recognised world leader in wind energy) with SANEDI as a coordinator.
        South Africa) project was initiated. The project was conducted under   The numerical wind atlas was constructed by establishing a
        the auspices of SANEDI, with co-operation of DTU, CSIR, UTC, SU and   generalised regional wind climatology and then extrapolating down to
        other organisations.                                   estimate the climatology of a specific location as shown in Figure 2.

        Factors affecting wind speed
        Wind speed close to ground level in the zone where wind turbines are
        likely to be situated, is affected by the terrain in several ways. Knowledge
        of the terrain can be used to estimate wind speed at a particular site.
        In the past, such knowledge was not available to the level of detail
        required, but the advent of geomatics and digital mapping has made
        data of the required accuracy and granularity available.

        Height above ground level
        Wind speed increases with the height of the wind turbine above
        ground level. A general rule is the 1/7  rule which states that vertical
        extrapolation of wind follows the law:

        U z = U ref (Z/Z ref )
                   1/7 1
        Where U z is the wind speed at height Z, Z ref is the reference height and
        U ref the reference wind speed.

        Surface roughness
        Surface roughness, which is determined by the size and distribution of
        roughness elements, such as trees, vegetation, rocks and man-made
        structures, leads to a retardation of wind speed close to the ground.
        Accurate data on roughness is essential for estimating wind speed at a
        particular site. Roughness can be dependant on seasons, particularly
        where farmland is involved. It is characterised by a parameter known
        as roughness length.

        Terrain: hills, valleys, changes in elevation (Orography)
        Wind speeds are affected by variations in the surface height and shape,
        for instance hills, valleys, mountains and cliffs, and obstacles and features
        which constrict the flow of wind. This fact can be taken advantage of
        when siting wind turbines. Features do not increase the power in the
        wind but serve to concentrate it in a smaller area. This can be explained
        by understanding the same mass or volume of air has to pass through
        a constricted space, and the only way for this to happen is that the air
        speed increases. This leads to an increase of wind power per unit area,
        but the same power is in fact available on both side of the anomaly.   Figure 2: Wind Atlas methods 1,3

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