Page 57 - Energize October 2022
P. 57


           The May/June graph shows two      case of wind about 3% surplus is required.
        extended periods of extremely low wind   Looking at the two cases it would seem that increased capacity is the best solution for
        centered around 22 May. On 21 May the   the solar problem and storage would be best for wind.
        average aggregate wind output dropped   Some of the solutions suggest extensive distributed rooftop solar generation, as the
        to 1% (33 MW) of the maximum output   answer. This analysis has only focussed on utility solar, but the same factors apply to
        for a period of 1 h, and remained below   rooftop solar in times of full cloud cover. Overcast weather reduces the output of rooftop
        5% (150 MW)for a period of 16 h, and   solar by between 50% to 80%.
        below 10% (330 MW) for a period of 24   Even worse is the occurrence of consecutive overcast days. Gauteng experiences
        h. Assuming an average level of 1000   regular periods of between five and seven consecutive overcast days in summer. The
        MW, the energy required to make up this   cloud cover that reduced the utility solar to 30% of its output would have had the same
        deficit using either storage or additional   effect on rooftop PV countrywide, placing an extra load on the grid, and thus increasing
        generation would be approximately    any shortfall. Many of the solutions which include a large amount of distributed
        21000 MWh.                           generation do not take this into account.
           Increasing capacity is not a solution,
        as plain arithmetic calculations yield that   The plain man’s conclusion
        double nearly zero is still nearly zero,   It appears to the plain man that simply increasing the amount of wind and solar will have
        and twice 1% is only 2%, twice 5% =  10%   no effect whatsoever on load shedding. Solar is not available outside of sunlight hours,
        and twice 10% = 20%, etc. The problem   and relying on the varying wind resource would involve hour by hour or minute by minute
        area here is the power requirement   adjustment of demand reduction, an unacceptable situation. For this to have any effect
        at the lowest wind point, and meeting   requires the addition of a substantial amount of storage.
        the average power level for this hour   A good starting point, and something which should be a priority, would be the
        would require an increase in capacity   addition of sufficient storage to make the existing wind and solar dispatchable, and
        of 30 times. Meeting the energy deficit   any additional renewable energy systems should include storage as a prerequisite. This
        however would only require an increase   increases the price, but is a necessity as the conventional grid no longer has the capacity
        of about 5 times in capacity.        to balance renewable energy generation.
           Assuming that stored solar energy   Even then, adding storage to the existing fleet will only add approximately 1200 to
        cannot be used to accommodate for    1500 MW of average firm power capability, although higher peak power levels may be
        wind energy shortages, there would   possible if stored energy is only used for peaking. This is a far cry from the 6000 MW
        be a total requirement of about 43 500   required to avoid the worst load shedding case.
        MWh if storage is used as a solution. In   Plain thinking leads to the conclusion that the current opinion that installing more
        practice, however, it would normally be   wind and solar on their own will solve the power shortage crisis is unfounded, and the
        possible to share storage and the figure   frantic rush to expedite renewable energy projects is seen to be counterproductive,
        would be somewhat lower than this.   taking into account that it involves relaxation of EIA assessments, and worse, a reduction
                                             in or total removal of local content requirements for REIPPP projects, a move that could
        Storage                              kill the nascent renewable energy industry.
        A fact that is often overlooked is     A further caution comes from a recent report from within the renewable energy
        that stored energy has to come from   industry, which highlights problems with the conclusion of projects in the latest bid
        somewhere, and the storage can       windows. It seems that bid prices are now proving to be unsustainable, and successful
        only be recharged if surplus energy is   bidders are unable to supply at the prices bid. An industry source suggests that the
        available. Under load shed conditions   realistic sustainable price is up to three times the bid price. This puts the DMRE in an
        there is no surplus available from   awkward position as the projects can no longer proceed at the bid price. All this points
        conventional generation, and energy   to the possibility that renewable energy generation may not be as cheap as was thought,
        to recharge the storage must come    and costs need to be re-evaluated. It is also a known fact that the price of solar PV has
        from the system itself. This means   increased substantially over the last year, which has affected the viability of many projects
        either oversizing or derating the system   worldwide.
        during recharge. It is not plainly obvious   As I have said, this is the plain man’s approach, and many other articles, based on
        which method should be used, but     more sophisticated analysis, have suggested other solutions. For me, the concern still
        derating for a short period to allow   remains whether sufficient wind, solar and storage will be installed to cater for the type
        recharge would seem the better option.   of event which the plain man’s approach has highlighted, and whether a plan based on
        How much will depend on the period   some sophisticated analysis of statistics and probabilities will result in the continuation
        between low output occurrences. In the   of load shedding despite huge expense. There also remains the nagging feeling that an
        solar case this is about thirty days so   extra few thousand megawatts of gas generation to tide us over the crisis might not be
        the output would need to be reduced   a bad idea.
        by about 10% (or 10% surplus supplied)
        to allow recharge of the battery. In the   Send your comments to

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