Page 62 - Energize October 2022
P. 62


        •  Allow for monetising assets via grid support and demand response programs   Summary
        •  Ensure assets in the system are best used                           Microgrids can provide significant benefits
        •  Adapt to changing weather conditions (i.e., cloud cover, wind speed and other   for resiliency, sustainability and cost savings.
           conditions)                                                         Every project should begin with a feasibility
        •  Operate the system entirely or partially off-grid                   study and stability analysis to determine
        •  Monitor and/or control assets remotely with real-time notifications   the best mix and sizing of assets to meet
                                                                               the goals of the project. The sequence of
        What is not expected from the microgrid controller is the lower-level machine-to-  operation should be written to ensure system
        machine operations such as synchronising, load sharing and protection. By moving   resiliency and power quality with mitigated
        these operations to the individual machines, single point of failure is eliminated and   failure modes. The integrated paralleling
        therefore reliability is increased. Failure of the microgrid’s autonomous controller does   and protection controls for the synchronous
        not jeopardise the reliability of the microgrid power system.          generator sets, as well as the microgrid
           Any failures must be analysed and mitigated for safe and reliable operations which   controller, are critical components to ensure
        is typically performed by the microgrid controller provider.           seamless operation, system recovery, failure
                                                                               mode analysis and system optimisation.
        Value of a single supplier/integrator                                  As with all specifications, the microgrid
        Microgrids, which incorporate a wide variety of assets such as PV panels, energy storage   specification should be based on function
        batteries, utility power and generator sets, can seem intimidating with all the complexities   and performance. Working with a reputable
        of integrating these energy sources. It is critical to work with a reputable system designer   power system supplier who fully understands
        and supplier who can not only provide engineering guidance on the size, mix and   the power system design space can ensure a
        configuration of the optimum assets for a project, but can also deliver the individual   well-engineered solution which will achieve
        components, integrating them into a solution all the way through to commissioning.   the project objectives.
           While every effort is taken to engineer out issues, with the complexities of
        microgrid projects, challenges are often unavoidable. Having a single integrator on the   Contact Sbu Gule, Cummins Africa Middle
        hook to resolve issues is invaluable. When a system is delivered by a single integrator   East, Phone 011 451-3433,
        there is no risk of finger pointing between component suppliers and the project will,
        ultimately be more successful.                               

        Public Notice

           Notice  of  the  virtual  Eskom Transmission
           Development Plan Public Forum

           The transmission license issued by NERSA to Eskom
           Holdings SOC Ltd requires the annual  publication of a
           Transmission Development Plan (TDP), which details the
           proposed strengthening and development of the
           transmission network in South Africa over the next 10 years.
           Eskom will be hosting a virtual public forum to present the
           TDP 2023 - 2032.
           The consultative process is intended to provide an
           opportunity for stakeholders to influence the long–term
           development of the transmission system. Stakeholder
           participation is critical to ensure that Eskom Transmission
           takes into account the views of the public, industry, business
           sectors, local government and other infrastructural
           development  partners. The  aim  is  to have  a Transmission
           Development Plan that supports the development of  the
           country and its people.
           The virtual TDP Public Forum is scheduled to take place as
           Date:   Thursday, 27 October 2022
           Time:   09:00 - 13:00
           The public forum will be hosted through the  Microsoft
           Teams Live on-line platform.
           RSVP: Interested parties are requested to please register   MM360ESKOM/09/2022
           by 21 October 2022, by accepting invitation on outlook or
           Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd  Reg No 2002/015527/30
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