Page 68 - Energize October 2022
P. 68


        Rated voltage   Current rating   Capacitance   Cutoff length    CCL = 10%    CCL = 5%      CCL = 1%
        (kV)            (A)            μF/km          (km)           cutoff (km)    cutoff (km)    cutoff (km)
        35              195            0,142          133            13,3           6,7            1,3
        22              200            0,203          143            14,3           7,2            1,4
        11              195            0,221          156            15,6           7,8            1,6
        6,6             195            0,221          262            26,2           13,1           2,6
        6,6             300            0,327          442            44,2           22,14,4
        Table 1: Cut-off length due to charging capacitance for XLPE MV cable (M-tech cables data)

        Reactive power effect due to capacitance
        Capacitive charging current also affects the power factor of
        the distribution network. Under low loading conditions the
        charging current predominates and causes the power flow to
        be mainly reactive, with an accompanying low power factor and
        high network losses. Low loading conditions can result from
        feed-in from DER systems, a factor which is often ignored.

        Ferranti effect and voltage rise effects               Figure 4: Nominal Π model of the line at no load (
        The Ferranti effect results in the voltage at the receiving end
        of a cable rising above the voltage at the sending-end, on   approximate basis can be obtained by lumping the inductance
        lightly loaded or unloaded power cables. In extreme cases   and capacitance parameters of the line into a single Π section as
        the voltage can exceed the rated value of the cable, and can   shown in Figure 4.
        affect the cable protection devices on the line. The effect is
        due to the capacitance and inductance of the cable. It occurs   Where:
        on very long transmission lines, but because the capacitance   C = The capacitance per unit length (μF/km)
        of cables is much higher, it occurs at much shorter lengths   L = the inductance per unit length (Mh/km)
        of cable than transmission line and is more prevalent. The
        Ferranti effect has a pronounced effect in underground   From the Π model of the cable [3]
        cables, possibly even in short lengths, because of their high
           The effect occurs when current drawn by the distributed
        capacitance of the transmission line itself is greater than the   where Z = the series impedance = R + jωLl, Y = the shunt
        current associated with the load at the receiving-end of the   admittance = jωCl, l is the length of the cable (km), and Ir is the
        line and tends to be a problem on lightly loaded lines. The   current flowing at the receiving-end.
        capacitive line charging current produces a voltage drop across
        the line inductance that is in phase with the sending-end   Under no load conditions Ir = 0 and can be ignored.
        voltage. The Ferranti effect will be more pronounced the longer
        the cable and the higher the voltage applied.
           The Ferranti effect is not a problem with lines that are
        loaded because line capacitive effect is constant independent
        of load, while the inductive current will vary with load. Both   Ignoring resistance:
        the line inductance and capacitance are responsible for this
        phenomenon. The relative voltage rise is proportional to
        the square of the cable length. The extent of the voltage
        rise may be estimated using a simplified model of the cable.   This equation shows that (Vs – Vr) is negative. That is, Vr > Vs.
        Underground cable is usually modelled as lumped T or Π   This equation also shows that the Ferranti effect depends on
        sections. (Figure 3).                                  frequency and electrical length of the line. The Ferranti effect
           A simplified explanation of the Ferranti effect on an   voltage rise factor is the ratio of the receiving-end voltage to the
                                                               sending end voltage

        Figure 3: Lumped Π section model of underground cable

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