Page 69 - Energize October 2022
P. 69


        It is clear from the equation that the voltage rise factor is   costs, primarily converter stations. The insulation requirements
        proportional to the square of the line length. Like the skin   for DC cables are lower than for AC and hence cable costs are
        effect and the proximity effect, the Ferranti effect also has   lower.
        undesirable effects on the power system. Since the receiving-  DC transmission systems are normally associated with
        end voltage becomes greater than the sending-end voltage, the   overhead lines, but cable-based DC systems have been
        loads at receiving-end side, which are designed based on the   developed. Overhead medium voltage and low voltage DC
        nominal value of voltage, i.e., the sending-end voltage, could be   systems are in use in distribution networks and could be
        damaged. Similarly, the rise in voltage would cause unnecessary   extended to underground cable networks in cases where AC
        losses which affect the performance of the cable. From the   cable systems are being considered. DC cable systems have been
        protection point of view, circuit breakers which are designed for   installed in a number of countries, and low capacity DC, such as
        the sending-end voltage level, could operate when sensing the   DC light, has been developed to serve the distribution sector.
        rise in voltage.
           The Ferranti effect occurs on lightly loaded cables, a situation   Optimising cable voltage
        that can arise with a high penetration of distributed energy (DER)   An innovative solution is proposed by Verana [4]. Since the
        systems in distribution cable systems. The impact of this on   charging current is dependent upon the voltage, operating
        voltage regulation along the length of the cable does not appear   the cable below the rated voltage would reduce the charging
        to have been studied as yet. Excessive voltage rise could also   current. Using the method proposed, an optimum operating
        affect connected inverter based systems. Under reverse current   voltage could be determined. Distribution voltage is considered
        flow, the Ferranti effect could affect the voltage at the cable   optimal, when it enables maximum power transfer capability.
        connection point.                                      This approach takes the point of view that the rated voltage
                                                               is not the operating voltage but is the upper boundary for the
        Mitigation                                             operating voltage.
        There are a number of ways of mitigating the effect of charging
        current, some practical and others a little more creative.   References
                                                               1.  NEI: “Underground vs. Overhead Transmission and
        Shunt reactive compensation                               Distribution”,
        Inductance may be added at the ends of the cable or at    ST&E%20Presentations/NEI%20Underground%20
        intermediate points, to counteract the effects of capacitance.   Presentation%2006-09-09.pdf
        Where transformers are involved at the ends, additional   2.  K Daware: “Capacitance of underground cables”,
        windings may be provided to insert the necessary reactance.
        The effect of shunt reactance is to decrease the reactive current   3.  G Deb: “Ferranti effect in transmission lines”, International
        flowing in the circuit and thus allow a higher load current to flow.   Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), Vol.2,
        Ideally, full compensation would be beneficial, but this is avoided   No.4, August 2012, pp. 447~451
        because of the possibility of resonance.               4.  T Verana: “Optimal transmission voltage for very long HVAC
                                                                  cables”, SINTEF,
        DC distribution systems                                5.  S Bilgic and C Bardak: “The Exploration of Capacitive Effects
        DC distribution is gaining popularity, and one of the advantages is   of XLPE Cables in Medium Voltage Distribution Systems”, JST
        the mitigation of the effects of cable reactive components. Long   2021 (14)
        underground DC systems are possible. DC distribution does not
        suffer from the same problems as AC, but has its own additional   Send your comments to



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