Page 49 - Energize November 2022
P. 49

        FEATURES 2023

          JANUARY                                              JULY
          Wind power: Turbines, towers, installations, substations, grid-  Standby and temporary power systems: Generators, alternators,
          connections, maintenance, inverters, energy storage  fixed and mobile, fuel types and storage, monitoring, maintenance,
          Smart grid: Distribution systems, digital control, lightning protection,   security
          minigrids, cable theft                               Power for critical applications: Professional UPS, energy storage,
                                                               fuel cells, systems for data centres, remote telecom systems, and
                                                               medical needs

          FEBRUARY                                             AUGUST
          Waste-to-power: Industrial waste, biomass, cogeneration, biogen  Hybrid power systems: Grid-connected and off-grid systems, types
          Energy for industry: Motors, drives, eficiency, heating and cooling   and technologies, applications
          - industrial, commercial, mining; Distributed generation systems,   Distribution equipment and cables: Transformers, switchgear,
          energy storage                                       minisubs, reticulation, cables, circuit breakers and reclosers, security,
                                                               cable theft, earthing. Feed-in-tariffs and essential equipment

          MARCH                                                SEPTEMBER
          The energy transition: Migration from fossil fuels to low-emission   Power quality systems: Power quality monoitoring and
          fuels and renewable energy electricity generation (Solar, Wind,   improvement devices and systems, power factor correction,
          Hydro, Hydrogen, Gas). All associated technologies   harmonic filters
          Agricultural applications: Embedded generation for irrigation,   Electric mobility and transportation: Electric and hybrid vehicles for
          produce processing, etc. (Generation, PV, wind, motor-driven water   commercial, industrial and public road use

          APRIL                                                OCTOBER
          Gas-to-power: Hydrogen, fuel cells, LNG, OCGT, CCGT, gas engines,   Solar power: PV panel technologies, rooftop and ground-mount
          gas turbines, installation, maintenance              applications, equipment, maintenance; Onsite large-scale rooftop
          Transmission systems: AC and DC systems, overhead powerlines,   PV systems
          towers and pylons, underground cables, maintenance, security,   Cables and distribution equipment: Underground and overhead
          monitoring                                           (ABC) cables, protection systems, cable theft, earthing, lightning
                                                               protection, minisubs, metering

          MAY                                                  NOVEMBER
          Energy for buildings: Green buildings, public buildings, commercial   Large scale generation: Coal, nuclear, hydro, gas, diesel, HFO, etc.,
          and industrial building and office parks, residential estates, efficiency,   and related topics; overhead powerlines, transformers, protection,
          lighting, certification (EPC), efficiency, heating and cooling, water   security, maintenance. Industrial, mining, municipal, agricultural
          storage and recycling                                applications
          Microgrid systems: Equipment, energy storage, rooftop PV, cabling,   High voltage systems: Transmission, HV switchgear, protection,
          power quality, switching, metering, monitoring, security, maintenance  power transformers, HVAC and HVDC systems, etc.

          JUNE                                                 DECEMBER
          Lighting systems: Commercial, industrial, municipal, sports stadia,   Lighting systems: Commercial, industrial, municipal, sports stadia,
          theatres, architectural lighting, infrastructure lighting, luminaires,   theatres, architectural lighting, infrastructure lighting, luminaires,
          technology                                           technology
          Switchgear: LV, MV, HV equipment, substations, operator safety,   Standby and emergency power: Professional UPS, energy storage,
          transformers, reclosers, safety devices, insulation types, earthing  fuel cells, etc.

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