Page 64 - Energize March 2022
P. 64


        Liquified air electricity storage

        The growing need for bulk electricity storage has resulted in the development of several

        advanced storage systems. Bulk energy storage is usually used to store “surplus” electricity,
        available either during periods of reduced demand or more recently, overproduction by
        renewable energy systems.

                                                   ENERGIZE STAFF WRITER

            tored energy can then be used to   translates to significantly lower storage volumes (in the order of 700 times smaller) and
            balance production and demand,   thus offers higher flexibility. 1
       Sduring increased demand and
        underproduction periods. Very large   Principle of operation
        storage systems are required to      The system works by compressing and liquefying air, storing the air at a low (cryogenic)
        achieve this.                        temperature, and then using ambient heat – or other heat source – to expand the air in a
                                             turbine-based electricity generator.
        Types of storage                       The LAES system decouples the liquefaction and expansion cycles of the air into two
        In addition to chemical storage, there   separate processes. Separating the compression, storage and expansion components
        are systems which use gravity and    allows a disconnect between the power rating and the energy storage capacity and allows
        gaseous pressure as storage mediums.   a flexible difference in storage and discharge rates.
        Pumped water storage is a well-known   Figure 1 shows the basic components of a LAES
        and well-developed technology, while
        compressed air energy storage and gas   LAES involves three core processes
        storage in caverns is used at several   •  Charging the system: The charging system is an air liquefier, which consists of a
        sites around the world. Both of these   multistage compressor with cooling between the stages. The electrical energy which
        however, need suitable geographic     is to be stored is used to draw air from the surrounding environment, clean it and
        features and involve large plant and long   then compress and cool the air to sub-zero temperatures until it liquefies (-195°C
        construction times.                   at atmospheric pressure). Seven hundred litres of ambient air produces one litre of
           The recent development of small,   liquid air.
        compressed air storage systems (CAES),   •  Energy storage: Liquid air is stored in an insulated tank at low pressure, and this
        which can be located anywhere, has    functions as the energy store. Cryogenic gas storage is globally deployed for bulk storage
        found application, but are limited in   of liquid nitrogen, oxygen and natural gas. The storage tanks used within industry have
        capacity.                             the potential to hold many GWh of stored energy.

        New development
        A new development sees the use of
        liquefied air as a storage medium,
        which takes the compressed air storage
        concept to a new level. Liquid air
        energy storage (LAES), also referred to
        as cryogenic energy storage (CES), is a
        long duration, large-scale energy storage
        technology which can be located at the
        point of demand. The working fluid is
        liquefied air or liquid nitrogen (about
        78% of air).
           The storage of energy in liquid form
        (rather than as a high-pressure gas as in
        CAES systems) results in a higher energy
        density for liquid air systems, and   Figure 1: Basic liquid air electricity storage system (O’Callagan )

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