Page 61 - Energize March 2022
P. 61


        The flow battery comprises two elements:               where the reactant is plated out as a metal on the anode during
        •  The cell, consisting of anode and cathode electrodes immersed   charge, and the capacity is limited by the size of the anode.
          in the active fluids, and the ion or proton exchange membrane   While the emphasis of the industry has been toward grid
          which allows passage of ions between the two fluids. The size of   scale, these batteries are also well suited to many smaller energy
          the electrodes determines the power rating of the cell.  applications. The capacity requirements for off-grid applications in
        •  Active material storage. There are two storage areas, associated   remote villages, farms and islands ideally suits flow batteries.
          with the anode and cathode sections of the battery. The size of
          the storage (volume) will determine the capacity of the battery.   Characteristics of redox flow batteries
          By convention, the fluid containing the active material is referred   Before looking at different technologies, let us consider the
          to as the electrolyte, or positive and negative electrolytes   characteristics of flow batteries.
          (anolytes and catholytes). Cells are generally stacked together as
          shown in Figure 2 to form a battery. Commercial batteries range   Cycle count
          in size from 10 kW/40 kWh self-contained modular units to large   This is the number of charge/discharge cycles that a battery can
          400 MW/800 MWh multi-unit installations.             endure before performance deteriorates. With conventional
                                                               batteries, the depth of discharge affects the cycle count negatively.
                                                               This does not apply to redox flow batteries, where the anode and
                                                               cathode material is unaffected by charge/discharge cycles. Claims of
                                                               full discharge cycle lifetimes of 20 000 or more are common.

                                                               Storage duration and capacity
                                                               In full flow, redox flow batteries’ storage duration is limited only
                                                               by the storage capacity, which may be limited by space in modular
                                                               transportable systems. Typical duration for modular units typically
                                                               ranges from 6 to 12 hours, although claims of 16 h have been made. 5
                                                                  Hybrid redox flow battery duration is limited by the anode size.
        Figure 2: Cells stacked together (CIT)                 Claims of 15 times maximum power capacity have been made for
                                                               these (15 MWh for 1 MW power capacity). The full state-of-charge
        Electrolyte                                            capacity is claimed to be available for discharge.
        Active materials of redox flow batteries are salts of metals that
        exhibit different oxidation states, such as iron which forms ferric   Energy vs. power flexibility
        (Fe X 2) and ferrous ( FeX 3) salts and vanadium which exhibits four   Perhaps the most important characteristic is that energy capacity can
        oxidation states (+2 to +5) .The salts are dissolved in acids to   be scaled independently of the power, and cell characteristics such as
        provide ionic conductivity and enable electrochemical reactions.  electrode area do not need to be changed to modify capacity. Since
           During the discharge mechanism in redox flow batteries, an   the electrolyte is stored separately from the cell, energy capacity is
        electron is released through an oxidation reaction on the anodic side   disconnected from power output, and the redox flow battery can be
        of the cell. The electron then passes through an external circuit and   dimensioned to give any required combination of power and storage
        is accepted at the cathode side of battery via a reduction reaction.   capacity. Most modular units have a limit on storage capacity.
        The discharge process involves the move from a higher chemical
        potential state to a lower potential state. The charging mechanism   Geographical flexibility
        reverses both the direction of the current and chemical reactions.   The redox flow battery is not limited by geographic features, other
                                                               than perhaps access to site, and can be transported in modular form
        The general half-reaction mechanism for a redox flow cell is as   and assembled on site.
        (C=Catholyte, A=Anolyte):                              Modularity
                                                               These batteries are available as standard sized modules, including
        Discharge:                                             electrolyte storage, which can be combined to provide the required
        C  + e   → C   (Reduction)                             capacity. Manufacturers focus on standard sized cells which could be
        A  → A  + e   (Oxidation)                              combined with custom sized storage to provide very large systems.
        Charge:                                                Modules can be combined in any required combination to give the
        C  → C  + e   (Oxidation)                              size combined. Multiple cells can combined with common storage
        A  + e  → A   (Reduction)                              tanks to simplify design.
        There are two types of redox flow batteries, one where the reactants   Cost
        remain in solution during charge and discharge cycles and the   The lifetime cost of large systems is claimed to be competitive with,
        capacity is limited only by the storage volume, and hybrid redox   or lower than, other chemical technologies.
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