Page 59 - Energize March 2022
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        the energy rating, the system can expand   revenue stream in California.   the owner chooses to run the system less
        from providing 10 MW in 30-minute      The RA rules also require generators   aggressively due to unattractive market
        increments, to providing 10 MW in    to bid into the CAISO market during most   conditions, the augmentation can be
        2-hour increments. The flexibility of the   hours of the day so that CAISO knows   delayed or even skipped to reduce cost as
        GEMS platform also enables a mix of   these assets are online and available. For   much as possible. By tracking the battery’s
        high-power battery cells from the initial   ESS, the most lucrative secondary revenue   flexible warranty, GEMS enables the
        design with high-energy cells in the   stream available in the CAISO market is   system owner to make trade-off decisions
        future design to minimise cost and plant   typically frequency regulation. Therefore,   for various market conditions. This flexible
        footprint at initial deployment and after   the ESS assets deployed in California are   approach provides the investor with
        augmentation.                        four-hour systems, but are used most   more confidence that merchant revenue
           Lastly, the Wärtsilä EFR/dFFR     of the year for frequency regulation, a   is attainable, which boosts returns and
        system design benefits from a flexible   use-case which requires shorter duration   allows for competitive bidding in RA
        warranty that adjusts according to system   storage solutions in other markets.  tenders.
        throughput. Through a competitive
        procurement, superior warranty terms   Market uncertainty                 Conclusion
        from the battery vendor were secured   While many California ESS assets have   In the United Kingdom and California, two
        for this project. The GEMS platform   signed RA contracts for ten years with   early and significant markets for energy
        displays and tracks all battery performance   utility off-takers, CAISO frequency   storage, success for storage owners is
        elements related to revenue and      regulation is an entirely merchant market   only possible if investments are future-
        warranty through a GEMS dashboard.   revenue stream. Frequency regulation   proofed. In both markets, investors must
        The dashboard provides insight to the   could be highly lucrative or near worthless   plan to future-proof energy storage to take
        ESS owner about system management    in the future. RA contracts have fixed   advantage of revenue streams that are
        and assurance to the battery vendor   capacity requirements, so an energy   not contracted. These revenue streams
        that warranty terms will be honoured.   storage owner must plan to meet the   are uncertain, so a flexible system design
        This warranty available to Wärtsilä UK   fixed capacity requirement over the   is necessary, to be confident that the
        projects is unique because it provides an   life of the ten-year contract either by   revenue streams are attainable. In the
        incremental value when the system owner   oversizing the system for ten years of   UK, the revenue risk includes frequency
        chooses to conserve the batteries.   planned degradation or by planning for an   response revenue in the years after an
           Until now, many investors have    augmentation of energy storage capacity.   EFR or dFFR contract has expired, as well
        perceived the risks in the UK ESS market   However, if frequency regulation values   as future changes in the capacity market.
        to be too high. The ESS investment case   go up or down, the energy storage owner   In California, the risk includes frequency
        depends heavily on revenue generation   may wish to utilise the ESS differently,   regulation revenue, which augments
        coming after National Grid’s current   leading to an increase or decrease in   revenue from a bilateral capacity contract.
        contracted revenue period. With the   degradation. Given the uncertainty of ESS   In both markets, storage owners who do
        combination of intelligent software,   usage in California and the requirement   not assume additional merchant revenue
        careful planning and warranties that   for fixed capacity in 10-year contracts, an   in their project pro-forma, will be unable
        address customer needs, system owners   augmentation plan and flexible warranty   to compete in solicitations for long-term
        can future-proof their investments in the   provide significant incremental value to a   contracted revenue. Once projects are
        burgeoning UK battery storage market.  storage owner.                     built, the measures taken to future-proof
                                                                                  ESS will make the difference between
        Case Study 2: California Independent   Future-proofing approach           realising revenue expectations and being
        System Operator (CAISO)              For California RA systems, Wärtsilä offers   left with stranded assets.
        Market overview                      an augmentation plan, which it has put   Wärtsilä has built software technology
        The California Public Utilities Commission   into place in a 20 MW / 80 MWh project   and engineering philosophy with flexibility
        requires distribution utilities to procure   deployed in California in 2016. Under   in mind. Regardless of the changes that
        capacity commitments of at least 115%   this plan, GEMS will track the warranted   come to battery storage technology
        of their peak loads. This requirement is   capacity of the batteries and display   or energy storage market revenue,
        met though bilateral Resource Adequacy   trend values over time. At the same time,   our systems will be equipped with the
        (RA) contracts between utilities and   our team designed for flexibility with a   flexibility to achieve optimal results for
        generation owners. For limited energy   planned inverter-based augmentation   storage owners.
        resources such as ESS, RA contracts are   at approximately Year 5 of the system.
        defined to require four hours of discharge   If the owner chooses to run the system   Contact Mirja-Maija Santala,
        duration at rated capacity. Most grid-scale   more aggressively for more revenue, this   Wärtsilä Energy,
        ESS projects in California are four-hour   augmentation can occur sooner with,
        systems because RA is the most lucrative   more batteries augmented. Likewise, if

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