Page 60 - Energize March 2022
P. 60


        Flow batteries fill a gap in the

        electricity storage system market

        Developments in the field of electricity generation and consumption are placing an increasing reliance on electricity
        storage, and there is an increasing demand for medium- and large-scale bulk electricity systems. Conventional storage
        batteries, in horizontally integrated systems, are being used to meet this need, but suffer from limitations on storage

        duration and other technical problems. The flow battery is a mature technology which can fill this gap.

                                                  BY MIKE RYCROFT, ENERGIZE

              rid and off-grid applications are requiring increased storage   from even the largest batteries today. Future scenarios foresee the
              capacity, i.e., the capacity to deliver stored energy at a   need for capacity in the region of days or longer periods.
       Ghigh-power level for longer periods. Typical applications   To achieve this requires the ability to separate capacity and
        are in hybrid power systems for mines and microgrids, and in   power output. Separating the energy storage medium from
        wind or solar farms. Conventional chemical storage consists of   the active elements allows this. An example of how this can be
        batteries with fixed amounts of active material and hence fixed   achieved is pumped water storage (PWS), as the energy storage
        storage capacity. Capacity is increased by increasing the number of   medium (water) is stored separately from the power generation
        batteries. Typical examples are the increasing number of very large   plant, and the capacity will be determined by the size of the
        grid battery installations, ranging up to 400 MW power output and   storage reservoir dam or cavern, while the power output is
        1 GWh capacity. These large multi-MW constructions consist of   determined by the generating plant. A PWS system is very large and
        hundreds or thousands of small batteries.              could only be located in a suitable geographic area. But there is a
           While these multi-battery installations will play a key role in   need for medium sized systems which could be located anywhere.
        grid stabilisation and balancing, longer duration grid-scale energy   Flow batteries are the answer to this problem.
        storage needs different battery. Large scale bulk storage using
        conventional batteries has the drawback of capacity deterioration   Redox flow batteries (RFB)
        and limited battery life (≈10 y), compared to other technologies   In the chemical storage sector, separation of power rating and
        such as pumped water storage and compressed air storage, and a   capacity has been achieved by what is known as redox flow
        product with matching durability is required.          batteries. In a flow battery, the active material is contained in a
                                                               fluid form, which can be stored separately from the active element
        Capacity and power output                              or battery cell. Energy is stored or recovered by passing the active
        Two parameters are used to specify electricity storage systems (ESS)   material through the cell, hence the name flow battery.
        •  Power rating: The maximum power that a ESS can deliver in   The flow battery is based on electron transfer reduction/
          kW or MW                                             oxidation reactions, hence the common name redox flow battery.
        •  Storage capacity: The energy that an ESS can store and deliver, in   In this context oxidation means a loss of electrons and reduction a
          kWh or MWh                                           gain of electrons. The basic construction of a redox flow battery is
                                                               shown in Figure 1.
        In most units the two are related. For example, a 20 MWh ESS can
        deliver 20 MW for 1 h, but can also deliver 2 MW for 10 h, or 1 MW
        for 20 h. Stored capacity is not the same as delivered energy, which
        can depend on the power level at which delivery takes place. Most
        chemical cells’ capacity is quoted at the 10 h rate. Delivered energy
        at higher rates would be lower and would be higher at lower rates.
           In a conventional battery both the power and the capacity
        are determined by electrode plate size. The plate size determines
        the power rating of the battery, but also determines the amount
        of active material in the battery, which, in turn, determines the
        storage capacity. The power rating and storage capacity are thus
        mutually limited by the physical size of the battery.
           The growing requirement, linked to the use of varying resources,
        is for longer term storage in excess of the several hours available   Figure 1: Flow battery basic structure (Fraunhofer ICT)

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