Page 58 - Energize March 2022
P. 58


        deployment. A second augmentation    If one or more of these conditions are   limited interconnection capacity with
        may be possible, but it depends on   violated, or if the system is operated   neighbouring grids.
        system size and the number of original   in a different manner than modelled,   According to Julian Leslie, head of
        batteries and central inverters.     the system owner faces a reduction   electricity network development at
           The wrong way to design for       in warranted usable energy. Many of   National Grid, “At the moment we are
        flexibility is to assume that battery   the battery warranty conditions have a   spending around £1 billion a year [on
        rack-based augmentation will be      direct correlation to battery usage and   balancing services], ever-increasingly,
        possible. The appeal of battery rack-  system revenue, which leads to trade-  and I think personally by the next five
        based augmentation is that, in theory, it   off decisions regarding how the system   years or so that will be £2 billion a year.”
        could be less costly. Battery rack-based   is used. Is it better for a battery storage   While there is certain to be future
        augmentation would allow an ESS owner   owner to operate the system aggressively   need for balancing services beyond the
        to add the minimum incremental storage   and chase additional revenue, or operate   short-term contract terms of EFR and
        capacity necessary, conduct multiple   it conservatively to maintain a higher   dFFR, ESS investors have no certainty
        augmentations, and eliminate the labour   warranted usable energy over time? The   regarding the structure of future
        from moving previously installed racks at   only way for system owners to make   balancing service market products or
        the time of augmentation.            informed decisions is to track all values   their future price levels.
           However, battery rack-based       using dashboards and analytics. These
        augmentation renders a system unsafe   are core functions of the GEMS platform.  Market uncertainty
        to operate. As batteries age and degrade,   An incorrect approach to track   ESS owners that win EFR or dFFR
        their internal resistance increases. When   battery warranties is to rely on the   contracts face uncertainty in evaluating
        new batteries are installed in parallel   battery management system (BMS).   what the market for balancing services in
        with old batteries, the new batteries   The BMS does not track all warranty   the UK will look like, after the expiration
        will operate at higher currents than the   conditions, so if a warranty claim arises,   of their contract terms. In addition, many
        old batteries. These higher currents   the BMS is not sufficient to ensure   ESS projects that are providing EFR and
        will exceed the current limitation of the   warranty compliance. Without an energy   dFFR are “value-stacking” by also bidding
        conductors, over current protection   management system to track all energy   into the UK capacity market. Contract
        devices, switches and contactors in the   storage performance data, the system   terms in the capacity market last up to
        power path. Therefore, battery rack-  owner is not protected in event of   15 years.
        based augmentation is not a feasible   failure. In addition, trade-off decisions   As of this writing, capacity in the
        approach to future-proofing energy   regarding changes in battery operation   UK required an energy duration of 30
        storage.                             within the terms of the battery warranty   minutes for ESS, but UK regulators have
           An alternative is rack-based inverter   are not possible.              signalled an intention to lengthen the
        design. In this scenario, racks are wired                                 energy duration requirement. As in the
        in parallel on the AC side of the inverter   Case studies of future-proofing ESS  case of PJM Reg D, an increase in energy
        rather than the DC side. A rack-based   Case Study 1: UK National Grid    duration requirement of capacity would
        inverter configuration allows for more   Market overview                  have an adverse impact on system
        design flexibility for future augmentation   The United Kingdom is poised to   revenue, so prospective owners need
        but can be less cost effective. The   become one of the largest ESS markets   to plan for flexibility in their current
        selection of the right approach is   in the world. National Grid, the UK grid   installations.
        dependent on the degree of flexibility   operator, has announced its intention to
        desired by the system owner.         procure ESS for grid balancing services   Future-proofing approach
                                             through its Enhanced Frequency       For National Grid EFR and dFFR projects
        Strategy 3: Track ongoing operations for   Response (EFR) and dynamic Firm   that are participating in the capacity
        flexibility with warranty            Frequency Response (dFFR) market     market, Wärtsilä offers an ESS design
        Li-ion battery warranties are complex.   products. National Grid has awarded   with spacing and cabling pre-planned
        Warranty terms differ by battery vendor   four-year EFR contracts for 201 MW of   to modify battery storage duration at
        and model. Typical terms include:    ESS capacity, and dFFR contracts ranging   a future date. Wärtsilä developed a 10
        •  Annual energy throughput          from a period of months to two years for   MW / 5 MWh system, with spacing and
        •  Peak DC charge/discharge rate     more than 100 MW of ESS capacity.    cabling pre-planned for conversion to
        •  Daily average DC charge/discharge rate  The UK has a need for incremental   10 MW / 20 MWh in the future. Before
        •  Average daily temperature         resources for balancing services due   and after the conversion, the system will
        •  Maximum temperature deviation     to multiple market drivers. These    maintain a set of five 2 MW inverters.
          across measurement points          drivers include increased wind       The change comes from adding three
        •  Common mode noise level (voltage)  penetration, retirement of large    storage containers with batteries to
        •  Common mode noise level (current)  synchronous coal- fired generation and   increase the energy rating. By increasing

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