Page 54 - Energize June 2022
P. 54


        Series-passive                       THD and maintaining a good power factor. However, AFEs have some serious drawbacks. In
        The most straightforward series-passive   order to maintain a small form factor, lower switching frequencies are used, which result in
        solution can be achieved using a line   high switch ripples on the voltage waveform. This can cause other sensitive equipment like
        reactor. This is a low-cost way to reduce   PLCs and telemetry and communications networks to nuisance trip and malfunction.
        current harmonics, while adding a level of   Also, although this unit may at first seem to eliminate harmonics, it must be noted that
        protection to the rectifier.         with the AFE in addition to the VSD, there are now two drives in the circuit producing twice
                                             the heat. Twice the heat with a 200 kW AFE will soon add up. For the panel builder or system
        Shunt-passive                        integrator, bigger cooling systems are needed to cope with the excessive heat.
        Shunt passive is power factor correction,
        often using fixed capacitor banks, tuned   Shunt-active
        and detuned contactor-based units,   Active filters provide the most efficient harmonic compensation in a compact unit that has
        thyristor capacitor banks and fine-tuned   little loss, is insensitive to grid conditions, cannot be overloaded and is easy to retrofit. All of
        passive filters. These methods were   this comes at a slightly higher cost, which is offset by the better return on investment over
        principally developed to resolve reactive   the longer term.
        power and not specifically for harmonic
        mitigation. Today, one would hope that   Conclusion
        no one is installing capacitor banks by   Understanding the subtle differences between various harmonic filtering technologies can
        themselves and, at the very least, using   yield better cost savings, reduce complexity and prolong equipment life. Getting your head
        de-tuned ones – with an inductor, for   around what options are available really is worth it in the long run.
                                             Contact John Mitchell, CP Automation,,
        Series-active takes the form of an Active-  About CP Automation
        Front-End (AFE) VSD. It replaces the   CP Automation is a specialist in the repair and replacement of automation equipment
        rectifier diodes in a regular VSD with   including electronic boards, PLCs and Ac and DC drives. It was established to provide an
        an IGBT controlled rectifier to eliminate   independent maintenance service, without exclusive ties to any manufacturer. However,
        switching based signal noise.        it does have strong relationships with the principal inverter, encoder, resistors and motor
           AFEs are great at significantly lowering   manufacturers.




                                                              1: Distorted waveform composed of fundamental and 3rd harmonic (EATON)
                                                              2. Power factor correction equipment (ABB)
                                                              3. Power factor correction equipment (ABB)

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