Page 24 - Energize August 2022
P. 24


            Lifeline extended to young

            unemployed graduate

                     hen a kind stranger took a photograph of Momelezi   Graham comments: “Youth development is
                     Sifumba standing at a busy roadside with a cardboard   everyone’s responsibility; business has a responsibility
           Wsign stating: ‘Help Me to Find a Job’ and posted it on   to help develop our youth. Momelezi has overcome
            LinkedIn, little did the unemployed graduate know it would catch the   many challenges to obtain his education, and now
            attention of Graham Abrahams, Senior Vice President, Electrification   with ABB we will ensure he has the opportunity to
            at ABB, who would change the course of the young man’s life.  complete the practical experience to qualify fully as an
               Although he graduated with a BTech in Electrical Engineering   engineer. I look forward to seeing how he embraces
            (Power Systems) in 2018, Momelezi says he was unable to find   this opportunity and will follow his development and
            employment in his chosen field, even after knocking on the doors   career closely.”
            of various companies. “Despite the constant rejection, I still had   Momelezi is employed as a graduate apprentice
            a hunger for success, knowing all I needed was an opportunity to   in the Electrification Business Area, working under
            prove myself,” says Momelezi. It was this determination and self-  Graham himself. The training provided is hands-
            belief that resulted in the fateful decision to stand by the roadside   on and will see Momelezi rotate through different
            with a placard.                                          departments and activities to ensure his practical
                                                                     experience is as well-rounded as possible. With a
                                                                     bright future suddenly in front of him, Momelezi says
                                                                     there is nothing to stop him from aspiring to assume a
                                                                     team leader or management role. One day he will also
                                                                     be in the position to be a mentor to other deserving
                                                                     and unemployed youth.
                                                                        Communications and Marketing Manager Busisiwe
                                                                     Molefe explains that ABB has heeded President Cyril
                                                                     Ramaphosa’s call for the private sector to assist in
                                                                     combating the scourge of youth unemployment.
                                                                     “Momelezi’s inspiring story also speaks to the spirit
                                                                     of Nelson Mandela Day, where we are called upon to
                                                                     reflect as a society on how best to effect the changes
                                                                     we want to see around us,” says Busisiwe.
                                                                        Refilwe Mocumi, HR Services Specialist: Learning
                                                                     & Development and ELCM, reveals that from 2020 to
                                                                     date, 60 graduates have been permanently employed
                                                                     at ABB. In addition, 80% of the candidates from the
                                                                     company’s training programmes have found gainful
                                                                     employment. “Our aim as an engineering company
                                                                     is to afford all youth the opportunity to enter our
                                                                     industry, including disabled people.” says Refilwe.
                                                                        All the best to Momelezi Sifumba in his new role!
                                                                     As ABB, we will support him in reaching his career

                                                                     Contact Busisiwe Molefe, ABB, Phone 010 202 5523,

                                                   energize | August 2022 | 22
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