Page 26 - Energize August 2022
P. 26


        One small sensor helps:                                                   Toutvenant
                                                                                  The mix of sand and gravel that is
        The Grensmaas project                                                     excavated is called ‘toutvenant’. In the
                                                                                  south of Limburg, it consists of 80% gravel
                                                                                  and 20% sand. It is excavated with huge
                                                                                  excavating machines and transported
                                                                                  with specially designed trucks. “More to
          n the Dutch province of Limburg, the Grensmaas Consortium extracts about one hundred   the north of the province, the toutvenant
          thousand tonnes of gravel every week, a quantity that requires an enormous logistical   consists more of sand than gravel. That has
       Ioperation. Stopping the process is not an option, and certainly not unannounced. With   to do with sediments from the time of the
        one single sensor, Hans van der Meer can monitor that risk.               ice age.” The gravel is rinsed and sorted
           Hans van der Meer, head of production and technical services at Grensmaas gravel   using an ingenious system of conveyor
        extraction site says, “To give you an idea, one ton equals eleven wheelbarrows. On an   belts, sieving machines, washers, screw
        annual basis, we extract four and a half million tonnes of gravel at this site. And this gravel   conveyors and so on. Each dimension of
        extraction is an important part of the Grensmaas project. It is the financial engine and   gravel has its own final destination, from
        therefore one of the three important pillars of the project. Thanks to this gravel extraction,   asphalt to decorative gravel.
        there are no costs for the taxpayer, and we create high water protection and nature   During our visit, the Grensmaas shows
        development. We call it self-realisation,” Van der Meer explains.         its capricious nature. “Look”, says Hans,
                                                                                  “the river is much wider now than a few
        Gravel extraction                                                         weeks ago. Because of the rain, the river
        Back to the gravel extraction - what better example of a win-win-win situation could be   now takes up much more space and
        found in this country? In 1993 and 1995, the province of Limburg was confronted with two   mountains of gravel, which were lying
        floods on the river Meuse, which caused €200 million in damage. Society demanded more   on the bank a fortnight ago, are now in
        flood safety, but the cost of some €700 million was a stumbling block for years, until an   the water. There is also a huge difference
        agreement was made with Consortium Grensmaas - a partnership of contractors, gravel   between summer and winter. In summer,
        producers - and ‘Natuurmonumenten’ - the Dutch organisation for the conservation and   the average flow is about 40 m3 of water
        development of nature. Both high-water safety and nature development would be paid   per second; in winter, it can be as much as
        for with the proceeds from sand and gravel extraction along the Meuse. In the meantime,   2500 m3. During the floods of 1993 and
        the river has been given 350 ha extra space to drain off water. That is the size of some 500   1995, it was around 3200 m3.”
        football fields. The stream bed was widened, banks lowered, and dikes raised.
           The residents noticed it immediately: after long periods of rain the water level rises less   Water level
        quickly and stays lower. The land in the south of Limburg now stays dry at the same water   Due to the nature of the production
        level as in 1993 and 1995. And along the Maas, 1000 ha of new natural features are being   process, progress is largely dependent
        created, which in time will attract a million cyclists and walkers, as studies have shown.  on the water level in the Meuse. This
           Back to gravel extraction for the Grensmaas project, with which the Consortium must   water level fluctuates greatly, which is
        recoup its investment of €700 million for flood protection and nature development. That   also affected by the operation of the
        depends on the smooth running of the logistical process. “All the minerals are transported   locks. Van der Meer wanted to be able
        by barge, and the ships have to be able to come and go continuously. It is a constant puzzle   to monitor and record the water level
        to be able to transport everything at the right time,” Van der Meer underlines.  properly, also for the communication with
                                                                                  Rijkswaterstaat. “In the harbour, I have
                                                                                  mounted a level sensor on a mooring
                                                                                  post that communicates the water levels
                                                                                  with the cloud via a LoRa network. This
                                                                                  system from Keller gives me up-to-date
                                                                                  information about the water level on
                                                                                  a dashboard in my office. The firm’s
                                                                                  Martijn Smit helped us get the system up
                                                                                  and running and thanks to the sensor’s
                                                                                  communication with the company’s
                                                                                  own Kolibri cloud, we now have all the
                                                                                  information we can from that sensor.”
                                                                                    If the water level is too low or too
                                                                                  high, the process may come to a halt. “We
                                                                                  had a feeling the water level fluctuated
                                                                                  much more than the Directorate-General

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