Page 27 - Energize August 2022
P. 27
for Public Works and Water Management
indicated, and that turned out to be true. Africa Wind Energy 2022
Since we now have the ability to monitor it
ourselves, we can also sound the alarm in
good time.” Conference & Exhibition
The digital level sensor - series 26 X - not
only measures the water level, but also the
temperature of both the water and the air. 16 - 17 November 2022
“We cannot produce if there is ice formation,
so we also want to be aware of that risk as
early as possible. Under normal circumstances, Online virtual event
production here goes on for six days a week,
07h00 to 19h00. If we know that this is going
to change, we need to be able to respond as ind power is a clean, renewable and cost-effective method of
quickly as possible.”
generating power. As system production costs decrease and the world
Wturns to renewable energy, larger wind power farms are being built
The Grensmaas and are starting to encounter challenges in safety and operation efficiency.
The Grensmaas is the unnavigable part of the
Meuse, about 47 km long and, since 1839, the
border between Belgium and the Netherlands. The online virtual Africa Wind Energy 2022
In summer, the river is sometimes fordable,
but during heavy rainfall it can swell to an Conference & Exhibition event is set to take
enormous mass of water that has caused place on 16 and 17 November 2022
floods in the past. It’s a capricious river.
The Grensmaas project is a self-realisation
project covering a length of about 40 Click here for the agenda
km between the city of Maastricht and
the town of Roosteren. It is a nationally Click here for more information
and internationally renowned project Click here to register
for communication and environmental
management. The project will last until 2027. Africa has the potential to utilise its renewable resources such as wind to fuel
The flood protection and nature development its future. Doing so is economically viable compared to other solutions and
have meanwhile been realised as agreed. offers substantial benefits in terms of local value creation, energy security and
The province of Limburg has now asked the environmental sustainability, mainly through job opportunities improving the
Consortium to come up with smart and cost- standard of living for the majority of the continent’s population and reducing
effective plans to be able to realise the high- greenhouse gas emissions and local air pollution.
water safety in the province in the longer According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), African grid-based
term in view of climate change. power generation was 158 GW in 2012. A projection of the current capacity of
wind power generation would mean that the sector represents only 2,5% of the
Note: After publication of this article, we were production. McKinsey and the IEA forecasts are predicting that by 2040, while
informed by Van der Meer that recent flooding the population in sub-Saharan Africa will double and the economy will grow by a
in the area did not affect the locations where factor of four, the energy demand will significantly increase by around 80% under
the Grensmaas project was completed. the effects of clean energy policies. Taking a demand-driven approach, the total
power generation capacity will quadruple to 385 GW, from 90 GW in 2012.
Click here for product information Join entrepreneurs, investors and other relevant stakeholders in discussing
and here for a video link ways to take advantage of this golden opportunity to invest in Africa and help
the continent develop in a sustainable way; one that’s good for the planet and
Contact Instrotech, Phone 010 595-1831, its people.,
Visit on the social media platforms by clicking
on the platform name: Click here for the agenda
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Hashtages: #Keller #Submersible
#levelmeasurement #Waterlevel #IoT Click here to register
energize | August 2022 | 25