Page 25 - Energize August 2022
P. 25


        Precision measurement for heavyweights

        SIKO SG 30 Wire-actuated encoder for crane arms and lifting platforms

                illimetres can make all the difference when it comes to   regarding stability. The
                the stability of cranes and lifting platforms. When safety is   outer housing is made
       Mjeopardised, cranes can tilt or even topple over. If loads are   of sturdy zinc die-casting
        lifted unevenly, this can result in strain and damage. What is needed   and the spring housing
        in these cases are easily integrated measurement solutions with a   of fiberglass-reinforced
        good price-performance ratio and first-class product quality. SIKO has   plastic.
        solved this by developing the SG 30 wire-actuated encoder with its   Another unique feature
        compact yet robust design and wide range of applications.  of the SG 30 is its wide range of
           Instrotech is offering Siko’s innovative wire-actuated encoders for   working temperatures, which enables it to
        a wide spectrum of applications with measurement lengths ranging   be used from -40 to +80°C. Four lockable aeration holes
        from 600 mm to 40 m. The functional principle of the wire-actuated   are integrated to avoid condensation, and the wire outlet has
        encoders is simple: a measurement wire is wound onto a drum.   a special protective seal. The wire pullout is flexible so that 100%
        When the wire is pulled out, it causes the drum to rotate. A sensor   alignment with the extension direction of the outlet is not necessary.
        connected to the drum axle records this rotation and generates a   The SG 30 has a measurement range of up to 3000 mm (i.e.,
        measurement signal proportional to the wire movement of the drum,   30 m). A high degree of measurement accuracy over the whole
        which indicates the position.                          measurement range is ensured by winding the wire on the drum in
           When extending crane arms, exact position detection of the   just a single layer. The SG 30 is ready for connecting the following
        supports is essential to prevent the crane or truck from tilting or   encoder types: CAN/CAN-Bus, MWI and MWU. One advantage
        toppling over. This is done by measuring the current values of the   offered by the standardised connection method is the plug & play
        extended supports and comparing them directly with the length of   system, which guarantees swift, easy installation and immediate use.
        the extended crane arm. This means that complete extension of the
        crane arm is only possible if the supports are also extended to the   Contact Instrotech, Phone 010 595-1831,,
        maximum width.                               
        Special case: lifting platforms                        LinkedIn:
        Wire-actuated encoders are not only used for cranes operating at   YouTube:
        great heights. Optimum precision is also needed when extra-long   Product:
        loads must be lifted. Wire-actuated encoders ensure even lifting   Hashtags: #Siko #Instrotech #Position #encoders
        e.g., of trains, underground
        trains or trams using a lifting
        platform. Failure to observe
        this can cause strain, which can
        result in damage to the entire

        Space-saving and resistant
        to cold
        A redundant system is often
        necessary for safety reasons
        and in space-constrained
        situations. With these precision
        requirements in mind, SIKO
        has developed the SG 30
        wire-actuated encoder with
        its particularly slim, compact
        design. Despite its space-
        saving size and light weight of
        approximately 500 grams, no
        compromises have been made

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