Page 10 - Energize September 2022
P. 10


        Why solar panels need to be inspected

            ecent observations of urban-domestic and SME offices,   Access to panels
            sporting row upon row of solar panels, clearly shows evidence   In order to walk and scan the panels, one needs access to the
       Rof the increasing trend by these sectors to switch from   panels. The Fluke 401 or TiS60 imagers suit this application
        traditional sources of energy to alternative or clean energy – in this   well, as long as the installations are spaced so that maintenance
        instance, solar energy.                                technicians are able to walk along the series and scan the panels
           Solar panels are made up of cells joined together in series and   individually. Manually tested, the Ti’s pictures are saved with time
        relayed to a control box. And, of course, when connected in series,   and date, as well as tagged with voice memo recordings of where
        the panel is only as good as the weakest cell. If one of these cells   the panels are located. The photos can then be downloaded so that
        fails, it affects the overall performance of the entire panel. The case   the technician knows exactly where to find the particular problem
        study illustrated here is of a roof-top installation situated on the Old   panel. One can even take the serial number of the panel, as well as
        Mutual Building, Johannesburg.                         4 extra photos of the panel being worked on.
                                                                  Walk access to solar panels is not always possible. This then
        Installation                                           calls for drone technology, to enable remote viewing. An example
        Close attention should be paid to the installation of panels. If, as in   of this would be the Northern Cape’s vast solar arrays.
        the case illustrated in Image 1, the panels are located too close to
        the concrete roof surface, they are affected by radiated heat. This is   Panel Lifetime
        evidenced by quite a few cells failing along the bottom of the panels.   Be aware that solar panels do degrade their output performance
        In this installation there is no more than 15cm clearance between   over time, and they definitely have a finite lifecycle, thus regular
        the roof and the bottom edge of the panels. For this installation to   maintenance is absolutely necessary.
        be successful and give better performance, the panels would have to
        be raised, allowing for better ventilation and less heat build-up at the   Other devices technicians use to test and troubleshoot solar
        bottom. Fluke’s IRR1-Sol Solar irradiance meter not only measures   installations:
        panel performance and temperature, but it is specifically engineered   •  Fluke 393FC Clamp meter/troubleshooting tool measures load
        to perfectly align solar panels for optimum performance. It accurately   and voltage levels.
        measures the irradiance – the angle of the panel vs angle of the sun.   •  Fluke 1775 PQ Logger measures power inverter efficiency,
                                                                  power output and power quality of solar systems.
        Panel Inspections                                      •  Fluke BT520 measures and tests the batteries in solar
        Ideal conditions for inspecting solar panels are clear, sunny skies   applications, and identifies the weakest battery in the string,
        for optimum readings. Faulty cells would be a lot warmer because   allowing owners to choose to replace only one particular
        overcast conditions do not produce maximum performance.   battery, if needed.
           This image clearly illustrates the advantages of a thermal imager.
        Looking at the panels with the naked eye, one would not pick up   Contact Comtest, Phone 010 595-1821,,
        any anomalies. But, with a good imager, one can very clearly see the
        problems with this panel. One block is heating up relative to the rest   Facebook:
        of the cells. This indicates a faulty panel, and that one of the cells   YouTube:
        that are connected in series has failed, dropping the performance of   LinkedIn:
        the panel. This panel needs to be replaced.            HashTags: #Solarsolutions #Fluke #Comtest #Solar

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