Page 7 - Energize September 2022
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        the dielectric losses in the insulation represented by C 1. The   These guidelines are in line with those provided in IEEE C57.19.100
        values obtained are commonly expressed as percentages, and   – IEEE Guide for Application of Power Apparatus Bushings.
        typical values for new bushings are in the range 0,2% to 0,4%.   A point that is often overlooked when analysing power factor
        Tests at the factory provide reference values that are included   test results is the effect of temperature. Measuring at different
        on the bushing nameplate, and field test values are compared   temperatures yields different values, so it is important to normalise
        with these references. Any significant deviation suggests that the   measured values by correcting them to a reference temperature
        insulation of the bushing may have deteriorated.       (20°C). Tables of correction factors are available from various
           Changes in the capacitance value of C 1 are also important.   sources, but these are generic values and cannot always be relied
        An increase in capacitance may be the result of short-circuited   upon. We will look at this again later.
        layers, while a decrease in capacitance most often results from
        problems with the tap connection. Capacitance and power   Narrowband dielectric frequency response (NB DFR)
        factor measurements can also be made on the insulation   measurements
        represented by C 2, at 500 V (test tap) or 2 kV (potential tap).   Some 10 kV power factor test sets can be used to make power
        Particularly, when a gasket fails on a bushing that, in turn,   factor measurements at multiple frequencies from 1 Hz to 500
        allows for moisture ingress, water typically accumulates in the   Hz. The curve obtained by plotting these measurements is the
        tap compartment and attacks the main insulation core from   “narrowband dielectric frequency response” (NB DFR) and it
        the outermost layers first. A C 2 test primarily includes this   provides additional information about the insulation condition
        most susceptible insulation and, in such instances, provides   of the bushing. This relatively narrow frequency band does not
        notification that moisture ingress, or other contamination, is a   provide quantitative information about the moisture content of the
        problem before a C 1 test does.                        insulation, but it does provide an indication that moisture and/or
           Several standards provide guidelines on interpretation   impurities may be present.
        and validation of power factor test results. Examples for   NB DFR testing is an advancement from measuring power factor
        factory acceptance testing are IEEE C57.19.01 – IEEE Standard   at line frequency only and, in about three minutes, it provides
        Performance Characteristics and Dimensions for Outdoor   valuable additional information. It can, for example, deliver an
        Apparatus Bushings, and IEC 60137 – Insulated bushings for   early warning of insulation ageing and degradation, suggesting that
        alternating voltages above 1000 V.                     maintenance should be prioritised or that the condition should be
           The limits for C 1 power factor prescribed by these standards   investigated further using more advanced test techniques.
        are shown in Table 1. All values are either measured at 20˚C or   NB DFR is typically carried out at 250 V and, because it is a low
        are normalised to 20˚C.                                energy test, it is safer to perform than the routine 10 kV LFPF test. It
           Standards applicable to field testing include: IEEE C57.152   allows visualisation of the unique dielectric signature of the object
        – IEEE Guide for Diagnostic Field Testing of Fluid-Filled Power   under test, thereby facilitating graphical comparison of results from
        Transformers, Regulators and Reactors.                 multiple bushings on the same transformer. It also provides a way
                                                               of measuring the temperature sensitivity of a particular insulation
        This standard states that:                             system so that an accurate individual temperature correction factor
        •  A change from the initial reading by 1,5 to 2 times warrants   (ITC) can be determined for normalising results to 20˚C.
          more frequent testing of bushings                       Power factor is temperature dependent and Note 3(b) of Section
        •  A change from the initial reading by more than three times   10.10.4 of IEEE C57.12.90 – IEEE Standard Test Code for Liquid-
          warrants removal of the bushing from service         Immersed Distribution, Power and Regulating Transformers – states
        •  A change in capacitance by more than 5% is a cause to   “Experience has shown that the variation in dissipation factor with
          investigate the suitability of bushing for continued service  temperature is substantial and erratic, so that no single correction
                                                               curve will fit all cases”. Fortunately, the frequency response and
                                                               the thermal response of a dielectric system are related, and this
         Bushing type   C1 acceptance    C1 acceptance         relationship reveals a more accurate, alternative means to ‘correct’
                        power factor     power factor          or normalise a power factor test result to its 20°C equivalent.
                        limits as per IEEE    limits as per IEC
                        C57.19.01 [2]    60137 [3]                For an OIP bushing, the dielectric frequency response plot
                                                               shifts horizontally with a change in temperature, but the shape of
         OIP            0.5%             0.7%                  the curve remains unchanged. It is possible to determine the exact
                                                               amount by which the curve is shifted horizontally for a given change
         RIP            0.85%            0.7&                  in temperature, which means that power factor measurements
                                                               made at the most commonly encountered bushing temperatures
         RBP            2%               1.5%                  can be accurately and reliably normalised to 20˚C. Figure 2 shows an
        Table 1: Limits for C1 power factor                    example of a normalised DFR curve alongside the measured curve.

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