Page 45 - Energize September 2022
P. 45


        some conditioning applied. However, this technique can only be   If (i) is not true, supply-borne signal artifacts may prevent accurate
        considered valid under the following conditions:       measurements being made. There are two primary mechanisms
        (a)  The mains power line is clean and undistorted (i.e., noise and   identified which can affect this measurement. Presence of an
           interference free, and perfectly sinusoidal).       inter-harmonic on the supply will cause a beat with the supply
        (b)  The UUT will be deployed in making measurements under the   fundamental frequency (and any harmonics which may present)
           same conditions when calibration is complete.       and be interpreted and measured by the flicker meter as flicker.
        (c)  The UUT and reference present identical loads to the supply.  Or, of course, the supply itself may have flicker upon it.
                                                                  If (ii) is not true, and an imperfect signal source is employed,
        If (a) is not true, and the supply is imperfect, different response   inaccurate levels of modulation will be developed at the input to
        mechanisms to effects such as harmonic distortion may result in   the flicker meter (see Figure 3).
        different results between the UUT and the reference. Depending
        on the time of day, harmonic distortion on the power line varies
        as overall loads change, which further compounds potential for
           If (b) is not true, the UUT will effectively be making a different
        measurement to the one for which it has been calibrated.
        Consider the situation where a kWh meter is calibrated at a meter
        shop where the supply used may be close to perfect as in (1)
        above, but is then deployed in the field where harmonic distortion
        is likely to be relatively high, and extends to high numbers of   Figure 3: Inaccurate levels of flicker developed with imperfect source
        harmonics. Differences of up to 68% in measured power were
        observed by Dr PS Filipski and PW Labaj of the NRC during an   Limitations of both approaches
        evaluation of four different reactive power meters in the presence   There is a growing requirement to characterise and verify the
        of high harmonic distortion. 2                         performance of power measurement instruments in the presence
           If (c) is not true, different currents will flow in the UUT and   of differing forms of distortion and anomalies.
        reference, in the case of the parallel connection or substitution   IEC 61000-4-30 and IEEE P1159-1 both require that
        method, and a different potential will be developed across the   power quality measurement instruments are calibrated in
        UUT and reference in the case of the series connection. In either   the presence of simultaneous, multiple forms of anomalous
        case there will be measurement error.                  signal. For example, a flicker measurement is calibrated in the
                                                               presence of controlled amounts of harmonic distortion. While
        Switched or variable loads                             the limitations in accuracy described above may be acceptable
        This technique is used particularly with flicker meters. Here, a load   in some cases, neither of the approaches outlined above is
        is switched to develop a potential difference across a reference   able to provide the facility for calibration when simultaneous
        impedance, in order to simulate the modulation on mains power   degradations are present.
        supplies classified as flicker (Figure 2). Careful selection of the
        reference impedance and the switched impedances yield signals of   Calibration through signal sourcing
        sufficient accuracy to calibrate flicker meters.       This author proposes a solution in the form of a calibration signal
                                                               source which resolves the issues outlined above. The system
        Problems with this approach                            is fundamentally a signal source which provides high accuracy
        Again, this approach depends on a number of preconditions:  phantom power (separate voltage and current) to calibrate power
        (i)  The mains power line is perfectly clean and undistorted (i.e.,   measurement devices. In addition to pure sinusoidal signals,
           noise and interference free, and perfectly sinusoidal).  the system can also provide the capability to supply all currently
        (ii)  The source impedance is effectively zero.        defined forms of mains power supply degradations (frequency
                                                               variation, harmonic distortion, inter-harmonics, fluctuating
                                                               harmonics, flicker and dips and swells).
                                                                  The system proposed can be realised through the use of
                                                               arbitrary waveform generators and accurate amplifiers under the
                                                               control of a digital feedback loop (see Figure 4).

                                                               Problems encountered with modulated signals
                                                               The use of a digital feedback loop provides a mechanism for
        Figure 2: Flicker meter calibration system             maintaining accuracy on complex signals, in particular on signals

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