Page 50 - Energize September 2022
P. 50


        PF and non-linear electric loads                       (and higher divisible by three) add instead of cancelling out. In
        In non-linear loads the current does not have a sinusoidal   balanced three-phase systems this can result in a higher-than-
        waveshape but is in the form of a non- linear or distorted wave, as   expected current flowing in the neutral conductor.
        shown in Figure 2.
                                                               Distortion PF
                                                               Distortion PF is a measure of how much the harmonic distortion of
                                                               a load current decreases the average power transferred to the load.
                                                               The PF component due to harmonics is more difficult to analyse,
                                                               but has the same effect as displacement PF, i.e., the real power
                                                               delivered is less than the apparent power.
                                                                  The problem here arises with determining the apparent power,
                                                               which is not so simple, as the current wave is not a pure sinewave.
        Figure 2: Distorted waveform (Monolithic power)        Real power can be calculated by integrating the products of
                                                               current and voltage over the period when current is flowing, but
        Distorted and non-linear waveforms do not lend themselves to   calculating apparent power is a very complicated process, and the
        direct mathematical modelling in the way that sinewaves do, and   conventional way of defining distortion PF makes use of the total
        require special techniques to analyse the effects. Fortunately, most   harmonic distortion (THD), defined as the sum of all the RMS (root-
        distorted waveforms can be approximated by using a technique of   mean-square) harmonic currents flowing in the network.
        Fourier analysis, which provides a model consisting of an infinite   Analysis of distorted waveforms shows that harmonic currents
        series of waveforms at multiples of the basic frequency, and of   do not contribute to the power delivered to the load but add to
        different amplitudes, known as harmonics. Analysis is applied to   the total current flowing in the circuit , so that the real power in
        each individual harmonic and totaling the results gives the overall   the load is that due to the fundamental component of the current
        effect.                                                waveform only.
           This approach enables the design and application of filters
        to reduce the effect of the distorted waveform, by using suitably   The distortion PF is calculated as:
        sized filters for each harmonic. Harmonics are most prevalent in
        current waveforms, although voltage harmonic distortion does   PFdist = =                              (4)
        occur. It should be noted that the model is an approximation as the
        waveform itself is complex, and Fourier analysis wave shapes which   Where I 1 is the current of the fundamental.
        can be described mathematically.
           It is often not recognised that distortion of the waveform or   Total PF
        the presence of harmonics can affect the PF of a circuit as well as   When dealing with PF correction, it is necessary to consider the
        causing other problems. This requires a different understanding of   total PF, which can be due to both displacement and distortion.
        the concept of PF.                                     For example, the distorted waveform can be shifted or out of
           It is intuitively obvious, from the waveshape in Figure 2, that   phase with the voltage, (Figure 3a) meaning that the fundamental
        a higher peak current is needed to deliver the same power to the   harmonic is out of phase with the voltage. The total PF is taken to
        load than in the sinusoidal case, and it is this higher peak current   be the product of the displacement PF and the distortion PF. This is
        which causes the same effect as current displacement. Distorted   illustrated in Figure 3b.
        waveforms are due to the use of electronic converters at the input
        of loads and inverter output devices which are used in renewable   PF t = PF disp*PFd ist              (5)
        energy systems.
           Originally confined to industrial networks, such as variable   Combatting PF problems
        frequency drives, these devices have spread to commercial and   PF correction (PFC) is used to try to improve a device’s PF. The
        other networks with the increased use of personal computers and   traditional method of correcting PF is the installation of capacitors,
        compact fluorescent lamps, and in fact any device which uses a   to deal with lagging displacement PF, but today’s network requires
        converter at the input.                                compensation for harmonics as well. A good PF correction circuit
           Harmonics have another disturbing property. Third harmonics   is a crucial element for any modern design, as a device with a bad
                                                               PF is inefficient, will put an unnecessary strain on the grid, and
                                                               possibly cause problems to other devices.

                                                               Displacement PF correction
                                                               As the vast majority of PF correction systems are to correct lagging
                                                               PF (inductive), the fix has been to connect additional leading PF
                (a)                      (b)                   devices such as capacitors, or static VAR generators, in parallel with
        Figure 3: Total PF (Schneider)                         the circuit. Capacitor banks may be of the fixed or automatic type.

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